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Joe's Student


Hey. This is my first riddle, it's a trial one, I've no idea if I've given too many hints or if I've left it too unclear and random, but I'm hoping everyone on BD will let me know :) . I'll give hints out if it goes stale and I've left one to get you all started.

- 10294 separates there which is famous for Banks, and to chant a sweat hole, aka:w.

- And s1 separates w and the capital of the 9th largest country in the world, aka: x.

- s2 separates x and the Master of Subterfuge Cow, aka: y.

- s3 separates y and (L)(d)(on2), aka: z.

Ok so what (or where more suitably) comes after z?


To help out, the key to getting the answer is s1, s2 and s3. But obviously they can only be worked out with the help of w, x and y.

w= A city in far east asia


I would suggest as well to do it line by line, don't look at the 2nd without having the first figured out. :)

Edited by Joe's Student
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Russia has the 9th most people in the world

Kazakhstan has the 9th most area

But I was going by area


I'll just say that figuring out 'w' and 's1' should be done first i think :)

Also people, I'd like to see how people arrived at their answers as it's a step-by-step puzzle, for instance there are 3 things to be worked out in the first line.

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10294 (I have no idea about the #) separates there which is famous for Banks (Switzerland? Zurich? Cayman Islands?), and to chant (sing? intone? speak?) a sweat hole (lodge? kiva? pore? gland?), aka:w.

Yeah.... I'm just about clueless with this one.

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Well seems that

Is SING (to chant) A (a) PORE (sweat hole).

I have no idea what 10294 is though. I thought of coordinates but they don't fit.

Is the separator mentioned in each case a city located on a straight line connecting the first and second places?

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10294 separates there which is famous for Banks, and to chant a sweat hole, aka:w.


I'm still not... quite... hm... :huh:

EDIT: Explanation :blush: , you said that you'd prefer one so...

GEN - Geneva is a town in Switzerland, and Switzerland is famous for it's Banks, and from there are concluded Banks of genes

POOL - well sweat hole kinda describes it and the chant thing I don't know

And that was my train of thoughts :D


Edited by andromeda
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10294 separates there which is famous for Banks, and to chant a sweat hole, aka:w.


I'm still not... quite... hm... :huh:

EDIT: Explanation :blush: , you said that you'd prefer one so...

GEN - Geneva is a town in Switzerland, and Switzerland is famous for it's Banks, and from there are concluded Banks of genes

POOL - well sweat hole kinda describes it and the chant thing I don't know

And that was my train of thoughts :D


Oh, oh, oh I think I'm onto something

Geneva - when separated to GEN and EVA and read EVA backwards you get - tatata = AVE - a chant - Ave Maria!!!

Yeah... I'm still pretty much clueless... <_<

EDIT: I managed to Google up some more

10294 is a Gene ID for human (Homo sapiens) which kinda does fit the GEN POOL thing!


EDIT: Or it might be a :huh::lol:


Edited by andromeda
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10294 separates there which is famous for Banks, and to chant a sweat hole, aka:w.


I'm still not... quite... hm... :huh:

EDIT: Explanation :blush: , you said that you'd prefer one so...

GEN - Geneva is a town in Switzerland, and Switzerland is famous for it's Banks, and from there are concluded Banks of genes

POOL - well sweat hole kinda describes it and the chant thing I don't know

And that was my train of thoughts :D


I see where you're going :) but...

You're right with just Geneva:)

Now what could chant a sweat hole (w) be? a little hint.. it is also a city :)

So when you have that worked out then you know 10294something's separates both those.

When you know all this move on to the second line using what you have for "w".

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Zurich--->Singapore--->Alma Ata--->Moscow--->London---> ???

Then the distance between Zurich and Singapore is 10,294 Km,

the distance between Singapore and Almaty (Alma Ata) is 5,356 Km,

from there to Moscow is 3,115 Km

and Moscow to London is 2,508 Km

And I don't know what any of this means, other than the final location has to be closer than Moscow to London. So, let's say.... Madrid? Paris, maybe?

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Poudre Avenger and others who have guessed w, x, y, z correctly:

ok: beacuse this is a crucial part:

Spoiler for info:

10294 is kilometres :)

Spoiler for more crucial info:

the address for working out the distances is http://vinsonlab.tamu.edu/former/john/java/capitals.htm

Wow... I can't believe the variance in numbers between your site and the site I was using... And here I've thought, all this time, that the internet never lies.... ;)

But thank for that. That should make things equal then.

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