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After reading though some of the other discussions and debates, ie. Religious debate, War Club sign up, and Athiest discussion, I feel that the concept of theism is misrepressented on this site.

I would like a thread were people can ask questions and talk about theism, and calmly explain why they believe the way they do.

Its a gross misinterpetation that religous people are ignorant and that they dont believe in science and reasoning.

Anyone can post, but in this thread but I would like to keep to the assumption that there is a god, regardless of who you think he/she/it is. The purpose of this is not to argue over the existence of something that can neither be proven nor disproven. Otherwise it will just turn into the religous debate part 2, and I dont think anyone wants that.

And we will define religion as a belief system, not neccissarily organized.

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I'll kick off the discussion with the topic of evolution.

Most Christians think its wack and most everyone else thinks that Christians are nuts for not believing in it.

Your thoughts?

My 6 year old nephew asked me a question for which I had no reply. He keeps on answering many different questions and I have been able to answer them all. I recall that one day I was watching a TV programme with him. He kept on asking questions every two minutes that I could not even concentrate on the TV Programme. Once he even asked me why are there trees by the side of the road :D

The Question that stumped me is in parts which I shall ask you and others since you said "I'll kick off the discussion with the topic of evolution."

1st part, according to the bible, Adam and Eve was the first man and woman on earth. Yes or No ??

2nd part, they had 2 offspring "Cain and Able" ???

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Nah iI've got my own religion, Imperviosity. :P

On a serious note, again, no. I just choose to believe that there is a higher power, a creator if you will. But I do not like to be confined to believe that one way is the only real way.

Ben - Raises his hand and says "Me too" :D

My parents are buddhists but I am not the religious type. I believe in humanity, kindness to the human race and all living creatures

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They don't believe in God or heaven...just reincarnation. So yes, if they do not believe in God but their belief system is based soley on the teachings of man who later died, was buried and stayed buried, then I think that Buddism does not acknowledge the God I believe in.

You are partially right that buddhists believes in reincarnation. There are many different branches of buddhism and in Tibet where the Dalai Lama is from, there are many gods. Dalai Lama is just a spiritual leader, like the Pope.

Edit: Spelling :D, my First EDIT note - lol

Edited by Ben Law
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maybe that helplessness will bring you to a point of humility and that humility will soften your heart and that soft heart will allow God to take residence...then there is a DIVINE PURPOSE for her suffering!!

When my cousin sister was small, her doctor could not find her heart beat when he used his stet, later he found out that her heart was on her right side and not the normal left :D

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My 6 year old nephew asked me a question for which I had no reply. He keeps on answering many different questions and I have been able to answer them all. I recall that one day I was watching a TV programme with him. He kept on asking questions every two minutes that I could not even concentrate on the TV Programme. Once he even asked me why are there trees by the side of the road :D

The Question that stumped me is in parts which I shall ask you and others since you said "I'll kick off the discussion with the topic of evolution."

1st part, according to the bible, Adam and Eve was the first man and woman on earth. Yes or No ??

2nd part, they had 2 offspring "Cain and Able" ???

I know where this is going and there is a perfectly good explaination, Adam and Eve, according to the Bible, lived for 900 years. God told them to be fruitfull and multiply, so I think its safe to assume that they had more than two kids.

The Bible also mentions another one of their sons, Seth. I dont believe that they were only able to produce these three offsprings, although only three are mentioned.

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When my cousin sister was small, her doctor could not find her heart beat when he used his stet, later he found out that her heart was on her right side and not the normal left :D
Nice random "heart" segue :lol:

That is actually an interesting condition (variation really, not exactly a medical condition) - is it just her heart by the way? I knew someone (A fellow army medic) who had a similar experience much later in life:

He had all the signs of appendicitis Except it was on the "wrong" side :huh: Turns out that he (like about 1 in 100,000 people I think) has his entire anatomy inverted; his heart is on the right, his appendix (well until it was removed of course) on the left, and all the other bits around the other way as well - I won't bore you with the finer points of human internal anatomy though.

He also had no gag reflex - could (and I have seen him do it) intubate himself!

Okay; back to our regularly scheduled program :lol:

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