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Well, I have signed up the peace club, so I can’t kill any members, but…… I make someone else killed. :D

Here we go!

It was a summer break. Yoruichi-san, PG, Phaze, and Sinistral decided to go for a 2-days picnic at somewhere not far away from their Redrum University.

They rented a chalet which so happen, on the opposite to a chalet, rented by some of their next door classmates: Jennifer Jones, Caroline Carpenter, Paul Patrick, Steve Scott and Roger Robinson.

The 2 couples, after put their luggage in their room, immediately having fun at the river nearby. Soon, Jennifer, Caroline, Paul and Roger joined them.

“Jen, where is Steve?” asked PG, knowing that Jennifer is the girlfriend of Steve.

“He said he can’t join us the afternoon session. He is preparing a surprise for me,” said Jennifer with a sweet smile.

“Wow, nice to hear that. Couldn’t wait to see what it will be.” Said Y-san.

“I think he is behaving very secretive recently. He sometimes left his girlfriend with us but disappear himself in some weekends. “ said Paul.

“Could be preparing some nice stuff like diamond ring, huh, Jen? “ Caroline teased Jennifer.

“I agree with Paul, recently he used to speak some strange statement, like “What a pity”, “Why should I be the odd one here, and I can’t change it”, “None of you see that. You just don’t get it” and bla….bla.. bla…, all these are so depressing.” Roger said.

And the conversation, teasing on each other and playing at the riverside was going on for the whole afternoon. Of coarse everyone had once or more than once excuse themselves for being away alone for a while, either nature calls, other private things to do.

The late evening, 8 of them happily went back to their chalet. While Y-san and the other 3 resting at the living room, they heard yelling!

It is from the other chalet. They run quickly to there. Noticed Jen, Carol, Paul and Roger stood still with mixture of sad, fear, shock expression, but all towards one direction, the kitchen.

It is Steve. He is kind of sitting leaned against the refrigerator, with a pale but relieved face. His right hand is holding a dagger, which is still stuck on his abdomen. Blood flowed and painted his bottom half ans the floor red. He is dead.

“Ah…….Who could do this to Steve?” cried Jennifer.

“Roger, call the police! “ shouted Paul.

Roger quickly took out the cellphone and made a call. Caroline kept consoling Jennifer.

“Looks like he is busy himself to bake a cake,” said Phaze, after looking around the kitchen.

“It is for Jen,” said Caroline, can’t help herself with tears drop from her big blue eyes. “Jen like fruit cake!”

That’s true. Fruits were everywhere. On the desk, there are bunch of flour, eggs and fruits. So are at the floor, kiwi, grape, watermelon, and wait, and a lemon hold by Steve left hand, resting on an egg which is broken.

“He should follow us to the river!” Roger sighed. “By then he won’t have to be in this. Who could do this to him?”

“A robber? Or a series killer like TC that we read from news recently?” puzzled Caroline, as puzzled as PG could be.

“Steve…oh….steve….” sobbed Jennifer. Sit on a chair as her legs getting weaker and weaker.

“If let me know who the killer is…” Paul with his anger voice, and grasped him hand firmly.

The police came and surprisingly, with Inspector Slick!

“YS! It’s you again!” said Slick “Could I have any murder case where you are not at the site?”

Y-san, without any single word, just smiled to Slick.

“All right, stop putting your smiling face like you have known everything!”

“I didn’t know everything, Inspector Slick,” said Y-san.

“But based on what we heard,”

“and based on what we see,”, continued Sinistral.

“We know who the killer is.” Y-san and Sinistral answered simultaneously.

Question, who is the killer and how do Y-san and Sinistral knew? :o

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The size of the fruit relates to the length of the last name?

Grape, Kiwi, Lemon, and Watermelon.


Jones, Patrick, Robinson, and Carpenter. This makes the lemon equal

Spoiler for Dun dun dun:

Robinson!! (a lemon is bigger than a kiwi, right?)

Very close! Prof. :)

The sequence of the fruit is correct already!

But the approach of legnth of the last name is not so correct. Because this doesn't make Steve Scott odd than the others.

hint: Can you see any number-related item in their family name?

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Very close! Prof. :)

The sequence of the fruit is correct already!

But the approach of legnth of the last name is not so correct. Because this doesn't make Steve Scott odd than the others.

hint: Can you see any number-related item in their family name?

Taking a guess...

Scott has 1 vowel, and so does egg?

The rest of the names all have more than 1 vowel.

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my take on the numbers is as follows.

jONEs = 1; roBInson = 2; paTRIck = 3; carPENTer = 5; scott as no number sequence I can see so that would explain the odd 1 out he talks about.

I just can't work the fruit thing out.

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my take on the numbers is as follows.

jONEs = 1; roBInson = 2; paTRIck = 3; carPENTer = 5; scott as no number sequence I can see so that would explain the odd 1 out he talks about.

I just can't work the fruit thing out.

Well above he said size mattered so

Size goes from smallest to largest,

Grape, Kiwi, Lemon, Watermelon

Jones, Robinson, Patrick, Carpenter.

So Patrick killed Steve?

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my take on the numbers is as follows.

jONEs = 1; roBInson = 2; paTRIck = 3; carPENTer = 5; scott as no number sequence I can see so that would explain the odd 1 out he talks about.

I just can't work the fruit thing out.

Yes! Finally someone notice it! You are right on what you mentioned already! Keep going :)

Refer to Prof. Templeton's post.

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Well above he said size mattered so
Size goes from smallest to largest,

Grape, Kiwi, Lemon, Watermelon

Jones, Robinson, Patrick, Carpenter.

So Patrick killed Steve?

Yes! Yes! Hurray! Finally this case is solved.

Good job everyone so far who try to solve this. :D

Give me sometime to write the Epilogue for this later. :)

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Yes! Yes! Hurray! Finally this case is solved.

Good job everyone so far who try to solve this. :D

Give me sometime to write the Epilogue for this later. :)

Lol I just put together what others said, unfortunately. But please can you write into the epilogue :)

Paul Patrick

did it? I'm so curious

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Lol I just put together what others said, unfortunately. But please can you write into the epilogue :)
Paul Patrick
did it? I'm so curious

Ok, here comes my


“What clue so important?” Inspector Slick asked.

“The odd one! Inspector,” Y-san explained. “Didn’t you see that all the stuff on the floor, the egg is the odd one compare to the others?”

“Yes, the others are fruits. Only egg is different here. But then?” asked PG.

“Can we explain?” Suddenly they heard a voice which they used to hear this in the lecture room. It’s Prof. Templeton. Besides him are his 2 assistant: Amanda and kingwolfie79.

So, all of them point out that fruits around Steve are in different size. Grape is the smallest, then followed by the kiwi, then lemon and the last watermelon.

And, by looking at their family names, they observe:

Jennifer Jones contains ‘one’,

Carolyn Carpenter contains ‘Pent’ which is 5,

Paul Patrick contains ‘tri’ which is 3,

Roger Robinson contain ‘bin’ which is 2.

If only Scott is not Scott but ‘Soctt,’ then he contains ‘oct’ which is 8. But he can’t change his family name. That’s why he claimed himself as an odd one in his gang.

Amanda then continued, “So try to put the size of the fruit and the number their family name represent aligned: Grape (Jones), Kiwi (Robinson), Lemon (Patrick) and watermelon (Carpenter). Lemon smashed the egg, the odd Steve. So Steve is telling us that is Paul Patrick (lemon) who killed him!”

“100% correct!” Y-san and Sinistral nodded their head.

“Enough!” Paul Patrick shouted “Cut you d**n thinking who is the killer and what Steve is trying to hint. Yes! It’s me! I killed him!”

“How could you do this to Steve?” Jennifer yelled at Paul hysterically, “He has done nothing wrong to you! Why do you kill him?”

Paul didn’t answer. Very soon Inspector Slicks handcuffed him and bring him to the nearest police station.

In the next morning, Y-san is called to the police office. Inspector Slick said. “He wants to talk to you.”

An hour later, Y-san reach police station and sit in front of the handcuffed Paul. “Any thing would you like to say?” Y-san asked.

“I will tell you why I killed Steve, but can you promised me not to tell anyone, especially Jennifer?” Paul showed an exp​ression of pleading.

“I promise”. Y-san replied.

“Remember Jennifer ask me why do I kill Steve as he has done nothing wrong to me? She’s right, He hasn’t. But she also wrong, Steve plans to do something wrong to her.”

“He did?”

“On that evening, I left you guys and rush back to chalet for natural call. When Steve notice I come back alone, he started teasing me as a loser to him for wooing Jennifer.


Paul : I told you I am not doing competition with you. You have won Jen’s heart, be nice to her.

Steve: Wooo, you advise me? Who do you think you are? You love her? Too bad, she’s mine. You still love her? Don’t worry, when I have enough time with her, I will dump her, and you can pick her up later, if you don’t mind. Hahaha

Paul: How could you do this to Jen? You r****l

Steve: Why couldn’t I

Paul: She love you so much. Yet you plan to treat her in that way, you insulting her.

Steve: None of you business (Put down the knife which use to cut the fruits on the desk) She’s mine, I can do whatever I want to.

Paul: You pervert, I’ll tell her.

Steve: As your wish, don’t you think she believe you. Look, whom does she believe? You, a loser or me a sweetheart who is spending time baking a cake for her?

Paul: You don’t love her, why would you be so nice to her?

Steve: To make a woman feel like at the heaven one time and then earth bounce to the hell later is what I like to see. I am odd. Don’t you remember?

Paul: You crazy….(He grab the knife and rush towards Steve in quick motion….)


“So you killed Steve unintentionally?” Y-san asked.

“Yes, I didn’t mean to kill him, but he makes me so upset by insulting Jennifer.”

“Why don’t you explain these to the police?” Y-san asked

“I don’t want to get Jennifer hurt. In her heart, Steve has the most perfect man she ever met. I don’t want to make her upset by revealing the truth. Furthermore, she may not believe me.”

“Your love to Jen is true. If Jen has chosen you at the first place, this incident will no happen.”

“Anyway, I killed someone, I deserve the punishment”. Paul stood up and planed to walk back to the cell. Before he left the room, he turned back and looked at Y-san. “I hope you keep your promise”

“I will.”

“Thank you.” Paul smiled and walked away from Y-san vision.

“Hmmm. Love……..”

The end.

OMG, so tiring to write like these especially with poor english vocab. :P

All right, got to back to work. My boss is chasing my report. <_<

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