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Ysan is laying on the floor of her one-room house, dead. Next to her are some fuzzy animals with 21 spots which the detective kicks away as he approaches her.

"Oops," he said, as the animals squealed in anger. "Sorry bout that."

"You're messing up the crime scene, Bob," said the other policeman, sounding as if he'd rather be dangling from the Sears Tower without any clothes and singing the Barney theme song than standing there at that moment.

"You want to come in here instead, Reynolds?" Bob said, lifting his head and smacking it on the low roof. "Dammit," he muttered, and crouched down by the dead body.

"Well?" Reynolds droned.

"Well what?" Bob snapped.

"How did she die?"

Bob rolled his eyes and turned back to the body. "Very strange," he said. "No sign of a bullet wound, or of an animal bite, or cut, or abrasion, or anything."

"It had to be those animals," Reynolds observed from the back. "Those squealie dudes."

"How?" Bob replied. "There's no bite marks!"

How, indeed?

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I think the one-room house was a spoiler box. The 21 spots were my eyes after opening the spoiler boxes. Kind of like this:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 2:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 3:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 4:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 5:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 6:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 7:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 8:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 9:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 10:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 11:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 12:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 13:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 14:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 15:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 16:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 17:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 18:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 19:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 20:

Spoiler for fuzzy spot 21:

ysan - dead - suffocated by fuzzy spots in spoiler boxes

that's so unbelievably annoying but funny but not worth it but still funny

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