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Hey peeps!

I was playing Resident Evil 0, and I came across one of those diary/document thingies.

Well, it talks about the leeches infected with the T virus, and um... how they've been reproducing and... stuff..


parts of this document are highlighted, and I don't know where I'll use this information, but these're the listed things worth mentioning.

First of all, the leeches double their population every hour.

February 3rd.

The scientist puts 4 leeches into his... containment thingie.

February 10th.

because of the numbers growing so much, the scientist hasn't been increasing food supply often enough, the leeches turn to cannibalism.

The scientist incresing the food supply, but not before two of the leeches are eaten.

March 7th.

Scientists tries giving the leeches live pray.

But half of the leeches are killed when the pray attacks back

the last enty of the document is on June 3rd.

so yeah.. uhh.. could anyone help me in figuring out how many leeches are alive at this time?

Thanks :D

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I calculate 4.8 x 10257 leeches on June 3. The initial equation is 4*2(24n), where n is the # of days that have elapsed.

The 2 lost on Feb 10 are totally insignificant, as there are already 7.48 x 1050 leeches on that date.

On March 7, there are ~ 3.0 x 10231 until half are killed, leaving ~ 1.5 x 10231.

Now use the # on March 7 as the start value (instead of 4) in the equation, and let n be the # of days elapsed since March 7:

(1.5 x 10231)*(2(24*88)) = 4.8 x 10257.

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February 3rd, 1978.

- Administrated "T" into 4 leeches. Their will to survive leads them first to

parasitism and predation, then they breed and mulitply. Such single minded biology

makes them attractive candidates for bioweapons research. Afterwards, no major changes


>>>Start with 4 Leeches<<<

February 10th, 1978.

- 7 days since the adminstration of the "T". Rapid growth to double former size, signs

of tranformation emerging. Spawning successful, they double their numbers in an hour,

but their ravenous appetites lead them to cannibalism. Hastened to incease food supply,

but lost 2.

>>>Doubled in numbers, now 8 leeches<<<

>>>Lost 2 to cannibalism, now 6 Leeches<<<

March 7th, 1978.

- Provided them with live feed, but lost half when the live food fought back. However,

the leeches are learning from experience, and are beginning to exhibit group attack

behavior. They are also ceasing cannibalism. Their evolution is exceeding expectations.

>>>No mention of increased number or of breeding, but they lose half their number so total leeches is now 3!<<<

April 22nd, 1978.

- The leeches no longer exhibit individual behavior, even when not feeding, they move as

a collective. They consume everything I offer with remarkable efficiency.

>>>Nothing happens<<<

- April 30th,1978.

An employee has stumbled onto my experiments. Can a human be a food source? How will the

leeches respond?

>>>Nothing Happens<<<

June 3rd,1978

- A day worthy of commemoration. Today they began to mimic me! Surely they recognize

their father.. Wonderful children, No one will take you away..

>>>Nothing Happens<<<

So the totals, in order 4 8 6 3

Is the combination!

(It's always easier to work backwards)

oh God, that makes sense now!

lol, If I had just looked at the highlited portions and nothing else, then I might've gotten it.

Yet I kept looking at the "double their numbers in an hour"


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