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Bulls and Cows

This is a 5 Letter Word game. All 5 letters are unique and theonly clues you will get is Bulls and Cows.

A Bull is a right letter in the right position and a Cow is a right letter in the wrong position.

e.g. if the word is TOPIC and you guess ABPOC. the clue you will get is

2 Bulls 1 Cow

2 Bulls for P & C - right letter in the right position

1 Cow for O - right letter in the wrong position.

The Game progresses by players PMing me any 5 Letters and I will post the clue number, player name and the clues here without the Letters he/she has guessed so other players will know how much you have progressed.

Clues will be even for all players i.e. if a player have guessed 2 times, he will get his 3 clue only after other players gets their 2nd clue. This will set an even platform for all.

This game is open to all and Bulls and Cows - Word #1 is on ....

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All Clues at a glance:


1) ADTRC - 1 Cow

2) ZONIX - 2 Bulls


1) AEQZJ - (None)

2) IOQZJ - 1 Bull, 1 Cow

3) TOIZJ - 1 Bull, 1 Cow

4) ROZIJ - 2 Bulls

5) CUPID - 2 Bulls

6) COLIN - 3 Bulls

7) COBIS - 2 Bulls 1 Cow

8) ZOJIQ - 2 Bulls

9) WOMIG - 2 Bulls

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2 Bulls

You got quite close at 3 bulls ... Well Done

And Nice attempt TwoaDay

Will start Bulls and Cows - Word #2 after a short break in a new thread :P

and Thank you all for participating

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Hey, this sucks! I did all work!! :P

You did start it off, and a good start at that, great way to figure it out. I ust compiled it into one answer. Sorry to steal your win. ^_^

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