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You probably know the Princess Bride story of the guy who puts the poison in either cup (which one is it?) and it turned out to be in BOTH cups, the guy had spent years building up immunity to it.

Well not this time. This time, the poison involved is very deadly, derived from the fangs of a desert asp and distilled in cyanide and hydrochloric acid. It will kill on the first sip, without doubt.

You are the guardian of an ancient vault, full of priceless relics. A thief comes, with a proposition. You reach for your blade, to find it gone! Oh no! You only have two options: play the thief's game, or step aside and let the thief go.

Before you ask, those are your only options. Agree to the proposition or let the thief into the vault. There are other measures of protection: the relics will be safe and thief taken care of, but you will certainly be fired.

If you should choose to accept: you will close your eyes while the thief pours the poison into either of two cups (which have just water in them now). Of course, the thief could also pour the poison into both, or neither. Then you choose from the two cups, and you drink your cup, and (if you are still alive) the thief drinks after you do.

If the thief put the poison in neither, he retreats after cleaning everything up, and nobody believes your story.

* Afterwards, if you are dead and the thief alive, the thief uses your keys and information to pilfer the vault while getting around the other defenses, thus successfully stealing the relics. The vault owner is at least grateful that you tried to stop the thief.

* If you are alive and the thief dead after the drinkings, you become a celebrated vault guardian!

* If both are dead, you are valiantly declared a hero (posthumously), in stopping the thief.

1. Do you accept or decline the thief's proposition?

2. If you were the thief, what would you do?

the thief will poison both cups (as you should do if you're the thief), so decline. You lose your job, but the thief is caught and the vault is safe

The Real Problem

Same ordeal, but there are three substances involved. The original poison (kills instantly), a diluted poison (gagging for 5 minutes, then death) and an antidote (can be drinken in those 5 minutes to save against the diluted poison). The antidote is set onto the table between the two of you. If you should accept the thief's proposition, you will close your eyes and he will apply the poisons. He could put no poison at all (but he won't, he wants this theft badly- remember, the thief doesn't want you to decline either, he wants to win your keys and blueprints and stuff), or the strong poison into both, or the diluted poison into both, or one strong one diluted, or one strong one nothing, or one diluted one nothing. Then you pick a cup, you drink, then someone drinks first, then the next person drinks. Whoever drinks first and gets the diluted poison can grab for the antidote first. The questions 1&2 from Problem 1 apply to the following scenarios:

1) the thief drinks first

2) the thief drinks first, but you get to see how many dosages of the various poisons have been used and then you can still choose to decline

3) you drink first, but only 0 or 1 TOTAL doseages of the instant poison are allowed

4) both drink at same time, 50/50 chance for the antidote if both drink diluted poison

5) you decide who drinks first (or if both drink at same time) AFTER the thief has already put the poisons in

what are your answers for 1-5? decline or accept? (and you can say what you would do if you were the thief as a bonus, if you want ;D)

also, if you accept #2, what's your secondary choice (accept/decline) for the following scenarios:

1) 1 drop of diluted poison used

2) 1 drop of instant poison used

3) 2 drops of diluted poison used

4) 2 drops of instant poison used

this is meant to be a launching board for similar puzzles ;D I want to see my idea grow via other minds who can think of other clever uses of this general scenario idea :D

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7 answers to this question

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1) the thief drinks first

2) the thief drinks first, but you get to see how many dosages of the various poisons have been used and then you can still choose to decline

3) you drink first, but only 0 or 1 TOTAL doseages of the instant poison are allowed

4) both drink at same time, 50/50 chance for the antidote if both drink diluted poison

5) you decide who drinks first (or if both drink at same time) AFTER the thief has already put the poisons in

1) I would not participate, the thief would put the diluted poison in both and reach for the antidote first after I drank mine leaving me no antidote. = 5 minutes of gagging and then sure death

2) same answer as one, it would not matter if he put in one drop or anything short of full strength. as long as the thief is the first to drink he would be foolish to not poison both cups and leave me with no antidote. = 1 to 5 minutes of gagging and then sure death

3) I would participate if i could drink first and 0 instant poisons are allowed. Again as in #1 and #2 (and if i understand the OP correctly the first to drink gets first dibs on the antidote) I would be in the position to grab the antidote and the thief would have sure death.

4) I do not need to be a hero, I would not participate.

5) I would have same answer as in number three.

As for what I would do as the thief, I would put a double shot into one cup and nothing into the other at all, always offer to go first, wait for the guard to drink, grab the antidote, and have a 50 / 50 chance to be able to steal everything, if not at least I get to walk away and try again another day. Or even more dubious, I would drink the antidote while the guard had his eyes closed, place the entire amount of poison into the now empty antidote cup, leave the other two cups just plain water and let the guard chose any of the 5 scenarios above and allow him to take the "antidote", haha killing him and I am guaranteed all the loot. ;)

I want to change my answer to 3 and 5 and not participate at all, if the thief is as dubious as I am then he would always win. <_<

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some of my own ideas:

then don't ever accept, lol. Except sometimes, when you think the chances are on your side.

Like in #2, I disagree with your choice to always decline- ni some cases yes, in other cases no

anyway I just thought this was an interesting idea to expand upon :P also I've thought of some devious, complicated thief strategies that SOUND like they're good for the guardian (remember, the thief wants the guardian to accept badly) but are actually bad... muhahahahahaha! :P

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Thief: I will let you chose any of 5 scenarios, and to spice things up I have a 22c diamond in my pocket that I received from the guardian next door last night. It is worth several Million dollars and I am sure your wife would love to have this beauty. Of all scenarios there is only but a few constants, I will place three cups of water onto the table, I will place the antidote into the middle cup where both of us can see, you will tell me how many drops to use and how many cups to place the drops into, you will close your eyes and I will place the poison into the cups, you can decide who drinks first and from what cup we drink from. To make it even better we can play rock paper scissors for dibs on the antidote before we start. So What do you think? Want to play?

Oh yeah, one last thing I am a dispicable thief, and do not or will not play by any rules. I will place all the poison into the antidote cup and leave the other two cups plain water. No matter what you pick first second going for the antidote will be the only killer and no doubt you WILL go for the antidote.

I took a little too far, great concept and will return to see how others approach

Edited by finance_it
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1) the thief drinks first

2) the thief drinks first, but you get to see how many dosages of the various poisons have been used and then you can still choose to decline

3) you drink first, but only 0 or 1 TOTAL doseages of the instant poison are allowed

4) both drink at same time, 50/50 chance for the antidote if both drink diluted poison

5) you decide who drinks first (or if both drink at same time) AFTER the thief has already put the poisons in

1) Theif would definitely use two diluted poisons. I decline.

2) I would accept. The thief would want me not to decline so he would not put two diluted poisons. He would probably give me a 50% 50% chance, but I will decline afterwards if the thief is still alive 5 minutes after he drinks his cup.

3) The thief wouldn't want to risk his life, so he wouldn't put 1 cup of instant poison, but then again he wouldn't want to put two doses of diluted poisons in because he would lose. I have no idea what I would do.

4) I would decline.

5) The thief would probably put two doses of diluted poison in, because this scenario gives him the largest chance of surviving. In which case I would take the poison first.

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