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A few short ones



What does man love more than life,

fear more than death or mortal strife,

what the poor have- the rich require,

and what conteded men desire,

What misers spend, and spendthrifts save,

and all men carry to their grave?


The wave, over a wave, a weird thing i saw,

through-wrought, and wonderful ornate:

A wonder on the waves, water becomes bone.


The part of the bird

that is not in the sky,

which can swim in the ocean

and always stay dry.

Yo' momma has the density of a neutron star.

Yeah, well your mother has so many folds that she is beginning to develop extra dimensions.

O ya, acording to string theory, there are ten dimensions, four for us and the other six are for your mom!

Your mom has reached singularity! (courtesy of xkcd)

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1. I am pretty sure this is "nothing".

What does man love more than life,

Man loves "nothing" more then life.

fear more than death or mortal strife,

Men (on average) fear "Nothing" more then death.

what the poor have- the rich require,

The poor have "nothing" and the rich require "nothing"

and what conteded men desire,

The contended also require "nothing".

What misers spend, and spendthrifts save,

misers spend "nothing" and spendthrifts save "nothing"

and all men carry to their grave?

And obviously all men carry "nothing" to the grave.

Dreams, Greed, and Secrets just dont really fit in this context. Some of them might fit some of the sentences but none of them fit all of them as well as "Nothing"

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I understand that everyone says the answer is nothing, but I don't agree that "nothing" works with "death".

I think man fears "dying" and the way they die more than anything, but not death. Dying and death are two very different things.

I don't fear death; I fear how I die though!

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a good set of riddles to be sure, though none of these would have vexed blaine =)

1. nothing

2. Iceburg

3. Shadows

though there are things people love more than life. i love my fiancee more than my own life, and i'd gladly give mine for his.

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I just thought I'd add that "Nothing" is the actual answer to this riddle, in fact, it is a quite famous riddle and I've heard it many times (always the answer being "nothing"). Someone mentioned that men fear dying more than death, but if you consider the act of dying as part of death (since you have to go through it to get there, no matter the length of time it takes), it would be one and the same.

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1. i believe is secrets because poor people have secrets of they're past or something and rich people don't have any because every one knows them (you'd know what i mean if you watch gossip girl) and they love them alot because well their secrets and they fear them more than death because it could be about any thing (you know what i mean if you've raed harry potter) and they carry them to the grave because well why would u tell any one unless you were the town crier?

2. i think is a fossil cuz first you just gotta b there

3. and i think this one is a bird's poop because it doesnt stay in the sky and it doesn't get wet in the ocean so thts prettttty moch it!

Edited by cinnimini
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Couldn't #3 be Down

You know the stuff under the feathers that keeps the duckies floating, that stuff never gets wet or the bird would sink. And then for the first half, it could be a pun off of the word. Up, down.

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Although I agree that the "correct" answer to #1 is nothing (as I had heard a much better and more accurate form of this riddle before), it is obviously not completely true as plenty of examples have been given of things people fear more than death. As many of you probably know, the #1 fear in America is public speaking, and death comes in at #2. And plenty of people would fear being in a vegetative state more than death.

The better riddle (which probably everyone has heard) is:

What is more powerful than God

More evil than the devil

The poor have it

The rich need it

And if you eat it, you die

The answer, obviously being "nothing".

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  Aaron Burr said:
What does man love more than life,

fear more than death or mortal strife,

what the poor have- the rich require,

and what conteded men desire,

What misers spend, and spendthrifts save,

and all men carry to their grave?


The wave, over a wave, a weird thing i saw,

through-wrought, and wonderful ornate:

A wonder on the waves, water becomes bone.


The part of the bird

that is not in the sky,

which can swim in the ocean

and always stay dry.

Yo' momma has the density of a neutron star.

Yeah, well your mother has so many folds that she is beginning to develop extra dimensions.

O ya, acording to string theory, there are ten dimensions, four for us and the other six are for your mom!

Your mom has reached singularity! (courtesy of xkcd)

LOL, and yo mama so ugly she need to be at the airport sniffing luggage and plays handball on the curb and she so fat when she sits around the house she really sits AROUND the house...

Love em,


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By the way, the term "Nothing" does not technically fit all of the categories of the 1st riddle.


In the last line it says "and all men carry to their graves".

Well yes, technically you don't carry anything to your grave once you're dead, but in actuality, in Ancient Greece, people believed you needed coins to pay Charon to ferry you across the River Styx to the underworld.

Ancient Greeks put coins in the dead person's mouth, or hand, I forget which.

Well, Nothing is the actual right answer, I'm just trying to be literal.


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  richieCda said:
I understand that everyone says the answer is nothing, but I don't agree that "nothing" works with "death".

I think man fears "dying" and the way they die more than anything, but not death. Dying and death are two very different things.

I don't fear death; I fear how I die though!

"Nothing" definitely works with death. I see your point, but I'm going to guess (without offending) that you don't have children. I'm also going to guess that dying is a scary thing to experience. But, for many people especially parents, whats far scarier is the thought of their children and families coping with the loss and the possible permanent emotional repercussions on the people you want desperately to protect and care for. At that point, the aftermath becomes a much bigger fear than the limited scope of the event itself...

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  Darkranger85 said:
What misers spend, and spendthrifts save,

misers spend "nothing" and spendthrifts save "nothing"

Would the really be spendthrifts if they save nothing? I would think they at least save money.

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  lynchmenow said:
Would the really be spendthrifts if they save nothing? I would think they at least save money.

A spendthrift (also called profligate) is someone who spends money prodigiously and who is extravagant and recklessly wasteful.

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I'm pretty sure "nothing" works. If you consider the age of the riddle (I'm guessing it's not very recent), then in the past, men would usually say they feared "nothing" over death. Pride was pretty important in the past so to admit you are afraid of something was unmanly.

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