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Use as many as mathematical operators to get 84 using only 9 and 6 ;)

i.e u can apply operator on/using 9 and/or 6.

Just these two numbers ...... and any mathematical operator.


No. of

operators ............RANK


1 ..................Genius B))

2 ..................Extra ordinary :lol:

3 ...................Intelligent :P

4....................Very good :D

5....................Nice ;)

6....................Average :mellow:

7....................Below av. :huh:

8.....................Need some attention :o

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I'm average.

Actually, I think I might REALLY need some attention:


:o :o :o

the 13 operator one doesn't contain 9s.

[spoiler=Ok we take it other way round ;) ]

What is the Maximum number of operators that can be used to get 84

and using only 9 and 6.

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the 13 operator one doesn't contain 9s.

[spoiler=Ok we take it other way round ;) ]

What is the Maximum number of operators that can be used to get 84

and using only 9 and 6.

but wudnt the maximum number of operators be infinite ..


Edited by jsahni
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but wudnt the maximum number of operators be infinite ..


How can it be infinity.

Some where we have to get the 84 which we want.

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1 question: Do you limit us to use only ONE 9 and ONE 6 or can be more?


No there is no limit to the Use of 9s and 6s

You can use them as many as you want.

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No there is no limit to the Use of 9s and 6s

You can use them as many as you want.

So the maximum answer can be infinity

(9/9) + (6/6) + (9/9) + (6/6) + ....

for 84 times, as each (9/9) and (6/6) equals to 1, after 84 times it becomes 84

however, if then the minus sign come in each time -1 then + 1 then -1 then +1

it will be

+ .......... - (9/9) + (6/6) - (9/9) + (6/6) ......... and it can continues.....

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Max number of operators that can be used to get 84 is infinity...


9*6+6+6+6+6+6 =84

After this we can keep on adding n subtracting 6 or 9 from it (+6-6) for as long as we want .... and the answer wud still be 84.

How can it be infinity.

Some where we have to get the 84 which we want.

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