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A boy is walking along the street when he trips and falls in a pool of a dealy poison which if taken orally leads to death instantly... The boy runs to his house.. n goes onto the bathroom... he takes of his clothes and then opens the tap , washes himself thoroughly so that no trace of the poison is left.... then he closes the tap and puts on some new clothes.... then he takes an apple and as soon as he bites it he drops dead...WHY????

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A boy is walking along the street when he trips and falls in a pool of a dealy poison which if taken orally leads to death instantly... The boy runs to his house.. n goes onto the bathroom... he takes of his clothes and then opens the tap , washes himself thoroughly so that no trace of the poison is left.... then he closes the tap and puts on some new clothes.... then he takes an apple and as soon as he bites it he drops dead...WHY????

He touched the tap with the poison on his hands. After bathing, he touched the tap again, which still had the poison on it, so it got back on his hands. He transferred the poison on his hands onto the apple, and then he unknowingly ate the poison on the apple.

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The boy was carrying the apple when he fell in the poison. The poison got on the apple and he forgot to wash it before taking a bite, hence taking the poison orally and dieing.

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