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This is for people to write any poems or short stories that they can think of. The only limitation is your mind (and the rules of Brainden). Nothing inapropriate and no swears. People are encouraged to give constructive critisism to stories and poems that are posted here. Also you have to post original work, nothing that has already been written (der). Have fun :) :) :) .

Edited by giterdone
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Here is my lastest poem! (I wrote it during Math class)


Do you believe in wood spirits?

Sprites and creatures of old...

Are they really they fantasy and fiction,

Since young children we were told?

Is there really a winged horse,

Or fairys and elves and things?

Is there really such a thing as Santa Clause,

Or vampires with horrible wings?

Are there really gnomes and dwarves?

Do the Greek creatures really fill the sky?

Some people really believe...

While most just don't see why...

A remnant, a select few...

Are children deep within the soul.

Some days I feel like one of them...

A believer in the tales of old.

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In land over cloud under sky,

The falcon chases the blackbird,

The blackbird pursues the swallow,

The swallow after a fly.

The fly is a nuisance, a pest,

The swallow brings love to us all,

The falcon is brave and daring,

The blackbird will take all the rest.

In lands of green hill and blue sea,

The eagle chases the starling,

The starling pursues the robin,

The robin after a flea.

The flea is a bother, a curse,

The robin brings hope to us all,

The eagle is bold and fearless,

The starling will receive all the surplus.

sorry, i don't know what to call it

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Okay so I like to dabble a bit in writing some of my own poetry sometimes. Some of my stuff is in the spoilers (they would take too much space up otherwise)

Go ahead and post yours too if you have any :D

Oh yah, my stuff isn't always nice and cheery so read at your own risk...

The Moon placed with meticulous care.

A gentle pull in the right direction,

Sends a hope for peace to lovers of war.

A Star hangs beneath.

A beacon of light,

Pointing the way to a better tomorrow.

Symbols of hope in a hopeless world,

Begging to be heard where nobody listens.

Pleading screams to Deaf ears.

The celestial dance sends a message,

A stubborn Blindness sweeps the world.

The Heavens weep for our self-willed Ignorance.

Ignorance and Wealth,

Create a warped Happiness.

Hopelessness plagues the Heavens and the Stars weep.

Shining ruby tears streaming down fragile faces.

Precious gems drunk by silver blades.

Pure skin tainted red,

With the Gems of Life.

The Hunter gazes at the Prey

And praises his creations littering the ground.

His own Rubies still his own,

Greed possessed Him to steal another’s.

Gems of Life torn from owners.

Followed quickly by Crystals of Sorrow.

Sapphires and Emeralds of the Soul,

Left void and empty,

Lifeless portals to a nonexistent Soul.

Rushing thoughts and racing tears,

Promises broken and Secrets not kept.

The Breaking Point grows ever nearer.

No air to breathe,

No love to leave,

No more reasons to persist.

Needles, Fires, Smoke,

Said to take away all Earthly Qualms

Only worsen the blow of returning Pains.

Cool metal burns on my cheek.

Becomes slick with tears,

I write to anyone who will listen.

One twitch and the pain ends.

Forever free from the Pains of Life.

Sweet Freedom to the Bliss beyond.

I loved you so much, Dad,

I really thought you’d stay.

I loved you so much, Dad,

But you walked away.

It was hard to see you go, Dad,

Know that it really was.

It was hard to see you go, Dad,

If only because

Of the lies that you told me to leech all my Pride,

Of the lies that you told me to keep me on your side.

I was sick of it, Daddy,

You thought I couldn’t tell.

But I knew everything, Daddy,

I knew it all so well:

How you told me not to call home to see if I could stay,

How you would say anything to keep things going your way.

So now you’re gone, Daddy,

That choice is done.

Now you’re gone, Daddy,

And relief soon will come.

Goodbye to you, Daddy,

My World’s no longer black.

And while you’re missing me, Daddy,

I wont be missing you back.

So good riddance to you,

And at last its time,

To finally tell you,

You’re no Father of mine.

Wow... reading them again makes me realize just how depressing they are... Sorry if anyone's getting bummed.

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I'm bringing back an old topic that I think still has life left.

Also because I wanted to share these :D

I visited a land where everyone walked on other’s heads

They ignored the living and paid lavish respects to the dead

The residents fought and killed for metal and paper

While those who looked on cried with laughter and capered

People fought over clumps of dirt in a massive expanse

But to me, this seemed of little significance

As I passed the border of Ignorance

As I trekked further on, I saw from a height

A group who would loudly quarrel and fight

About whether they were animals, or had fallen from the sky

While the answer lay in plain sight, nearby

They did not care, for the reason of the fight

Was to prove to the other that they were not right

Each individual held an item, a book or a beaker

But none would listen to any other speaker

They simply stood there, refusing to retreat or advance

I sighed, and moved on, further into Ignorance

People praised boxes that shone with light

Throughout the day and throughout the night

Praying while noises blare and faces shout

Eyes shining with fervor, unknowingly devout

To a cloaked creature that feeds them deception and doubt

Until they are stuffed, when those who lost sense

Were led to the heart of Ignorance

In the hub of Ignorance, it seemed sanity had fled

Everyone followed everyone, but nobody led

Politicians stood on buildings, bellowing to the masses below

Promising them riches and protection from woe

For the voters, there was no second thought, no second choice

They picked the one with the loudest voice

It doesn’t matter if the economy won’t survive

As long as it keeps individualism alive

So here I stay, from this day hence

Bound in the state of Ignorance

A single light illuminates a crowded room

Showing masses of bodies milling around in confusion

No leader, no followers, only chaos and disorder

Some group together, but immediately split apart

Faceless and unknown, they silently go about their short existence

Voiceless arguments break out

While fist-less fights are fought

Racism without race is common occurrence

And illogical logic is accepted as truth

Fools are praised as prophets of fact

As geniuses are shunned as fools

In this world of complete anonymity

One person stands in a corner

Speaking only to those who are willing to listen

Simple truths are shared while the anonymous pack behind

It is this that shows in the anonymous world

That not all of us are blind

Voices are speaking, yelling

Wondering if there is the truth in words

I speak fluently, but the sound is not me

When the words reach the paper, they are garbled and jumbled

Someone needs to get a better translator

Words are now my worst enemy

Measurements of life and love, can sometimes be stretched

I think our life is going slow

From floor to ceiling is beige-white on beige-white

The window to enlightenment seems like I could touch it

But no, it is hundreds of miles away

Perception is now my worst enemy

Black and white flicker in my vision

But they become one when I blink

Sometimes books are my safety

But they betray my trust as well

That’s why I keep things I like in my head

Colors are now my worst enemy

I feel eyes on the back of my neck

They bore through to the front, so that I can see through them as well

They go away sometimes, and focus on other things

But they always come back to what I see in the end

Run through the fog and into the sun

To realize the weather reporter told you wrong

It’s actually kind of cloudy

Living is now my new best friend

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