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You can see me at night.

You cannot see me in daytime.

I am found under water.

One of my neighbors is an insect.

The other is a member of army

I am found in all parts of Switzerland and in Greenland

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10 answers to this question

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  Gambit said:
Aquarius(not sure of the spelling). neighbors are scorpio (insect i think) and O'ryan (a hunter/Warrior).

It made my day to see Orion spelled O'ryan. Who could forget the ancient Greek / Irish warrior?

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the only insect in the zodiac is Scorpio. Saggitarius follows it, the archer. I don't know if he's in the army. Capricorn is next, which is a sea-goat. Are sea goats found under water? And in Switzerland? Or perhaps unemployed.....in Greenland?

The zodiac symbols don't seem to fit very well to the clue.

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You guys are thinking too much. Dont get me stupid looking at the answer. ;)

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The letter 'N'.

You can see me at night.

You cannot see me in daytime.

I am found under water. - in a key board, the letter n is in the bottom row and the word 'water' can be formed with the top two.

One of my neighbors is an insect. - The letter 'B' (ee) in a key board.

The other is a member of army - The letter M in a keyboard or the alphabet.

I am found in all parts of "Switzerland and in Greenland"

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  mac said:
You guys are thinking too much. Dont get me stupid looking at the answer. ;)

  Reveal hidden contents

The letter 'N'.

You can see me at night.

You cannot see me in daytime.

I am found under water. - in a key board, the letter n is in the bottom row and the word 'water' can be formed with the top two.

One of my neighbors is an insect. - The letter 'B' (ee) in a key board.

The other is a member of army - The letter M in a keyboard or the alphabet.

I am found in all parts of "Switzerland and in Greenland"

dangit i wouldve gotten it if you hadent given the spoiler! and here is my proof (and this is for real, although yes very unlikely that any 1 person would have this, esp a 12 year old)

ps i attached this also incase it doesnt work

dang it takes a long time to upload

while im waiting i bet i can spell pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis b4 im done......

and antidisestablishementarianism

and antitransubstantiationalism

and floccinaucinihilipilification


still uploading

i give up

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