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A man walking 10 kilometres to a market looked at the market for about 30 seconds, then walked home, when to sleep and went back to the market to buy what he needed to buy?

Why and what did he need to buy?

Good Luck :]

Eagle Out.

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He walked to the store at 3am and it was closed. He was going to buy sleeping pills, but he thought the store was open 24 hrs and it wasn't (perhaps it was a Teasco's instead of a Tesco's). Anyway, that 20km walk was enough to make him tired so he was able to sleep when he got home, but he was sure that he was going to need those sleeping pills for the next night, so he went back in the morning.

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Bread, he went out late so by the time he got their it was finished, so he went back home, reached home at night time, and woke up first thing in the morning to buy the bread.

(bread is usually only available in the morning)

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A man walking 10 kilometres to a market looked at the market for about 30 seconds, then walked home, when to sleep and went back to the market to buy what he needed to buy?

Why and what did he need to buy?

Good Luck :]

Eagle Out.

he prolly scoped out cars...who walks 10 kms?

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So, why assume he walked from home to the market? I think he walked from somewhere else, toward home, and passed the market. Maybe he needs to buy hangover medicine, since he probably got thrashed the night before and had to leave his car at the bar - hence the walking.

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Simple--- the man walked the first time --- saw what he needed and knew it was too much to carry. So he returns home and gets some sleep (I'd freakin die after 20K) anyhow he gets some sleep then wakes up, and hops in his car and goes back to the market to get what he needed. (Riddle doesn't say he walked the second time around.)

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A man walking 10 kilometres to a market looked at the market for about 30 seconds, then walked home, when to sleep and went back to the market to buy what he needed to buy?

Why and what did he need to buy?

Good Luck :]

Eagle Out.

he had a dream about what he wanted to buy (mmmm... rice pudding....) but couldn't quite pin it down in a waking state. After racking his brains for 30 seconds he decided his best plan was to go home, go to sleep, sleepwalk to the market and buy whatever it was while he was asleep.

he wanted some more supplies of White Lightning, but the first time around he was so trashed that it took him a 10 kilometre walk plus thirty seconds of thinking time to realise he left his money at home. After a bit of kip he got his s**t together sufficiently to pick up his wallet and start the bender anew
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A clock. He walked to the market to buy a clock, but because he had no clock, set out too late in the day and ended up at the market after closing time. So he decided to return home for the night, and set out first thing in the morning when it would definitely be open (leaving at sunrise and walking 10km would get you there at a reasonable time of day).

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Sugar . ;) He slept and had nightmares , so he went back to the market to buy sugar to have SWEET dreams.

lol GC, just about the cheesiest joke ive seen on this forum. (even cheesier than Itachi's before on the embarrasment puzzles)

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He walked to the store at 3am and it was closed. He was going to buy sleeping pills, but he thought the store was open 24 hrs and it wasn't (perhaps it was a Teasco's instead of a Tesco's). Anyway, that 20km walk was enough to make him tired so he was able to sleep when he got home, but he was sure that he was going to need those sleeping pills for the next night, so he went back in the morning.

Tesco is open 247 except sun eve/night must have been a sunday

Sugar . ;) He slept and had nightmares , so he went back to the market to buy sugar to have SWEET dreams.

I rate this answer *****

It makes me wonder why an Aussie is using Kilometres ????

4got his lolly to buy a lolly - I would have a kip after that or............

He had to wait till the ATM was refilled, or......

His internet was down and he used the outside ATM to check his balance, then found out he had enough dosh to shop in the morning and doesn't have to pop round to pop for lolly or.........

He wnted to see if he had won the lottery!

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the key is that he went home, went to sleep, then went back to the store to buy what he needed....is he sleepwalking? Does he need pills/a book to help him stop sleep walking?

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A homeless nomad, who wanted to settle down. He looked briefly in the window of the housing agent, decided on a house, and the next day bought himself a house. (He'd been saving up.)

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Glasses... or a watch. Either he went to the market, looked at it, and realized he couldn't read the sign, or he went at the wrong time, and realized he needed a watch or alarm clock or something to make sure he knew what time it was.

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He needed to get some pills from the pharmacy which has really crappy hours in every store, or he wanted fruit that they weren't done unloading yet. Or maybe he went to get an item and saw that a sale on it started the next day, so he slept for a while and went back... There are way too many good possibilities, Eagle, we need the correct answer... Maybe glasses too, looking at the sign and all, idk...

Edited by Sky
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OK, here it goes:

By "walking 10km" you mean, the guy woke up in the middle of the night. By "went to the market" you mean, opened the fridge and put beer in. And by "went back to bed.... went back to the market in the morning" you mean the dude woke up and cracked an ice cold beer in the morning.

Therefore, this problem can be read:

The guy woke up in the night and went to the firdge to put beer in it. Then he went back to sleep, and weh he got up in the morning he went to the fridge and cracked open a cold one.

Answer: He's an alcoholic.

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He wanted something from the McDonalds breakfast menu he looked at his analogue watch which said 6:00 he thought it was a.m. so he walked to the market where McDonalds was got there, realised it was night time, walked back home then went to bed got up and went and got his McD's

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A man walking 10 kilometres to a market looked at the market for about 30 seconds, then walked home, when to sleep and went back to the market to buy what he needed to buy?

Why and what did he need to buy?

Good Luck :]

Eagle Out.

new watch or alarm clock

I'm on a roll.... :lol:

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I like the alarm clock ones.

He walked 10km from the other nearest market, which he owns, after it closed.. When he got to the competing market, he saw through the window that they had better strawberries than his market. So he went home, went to sleep, and the next morning he bought some of their strawberries to take back to HIS market and sell at an over-inflated price. The end.

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