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I'm anxiously awaiting Rhyme Time #4 from Brandonb, but to bridge that gap, I'm going to post my first puzzle.

This is slightly different from rhyme time, in that the answer will be two rhyming words, but they WILL NOT be spelled the same way. I hope the clues are not too esoteric.

1. Sufficiently surly

2. Quite a clever outcast

3. I spilled coffee all over my xerox.

4. Gee, Charlie Brown, when did Snoopy pass the bar?

5. I like to say "What's Up, Doc?" in my spare time.

6. Our leader had a porterhouse for dinner.

7. The woman at the freak show had one.

8. All the employees chuckled when the CEO tripped.

9. How do I love my pocket book? Let me count the ways...

10. Wilbur, I want you to call me Professor Ed from now on.

11. How your ancestors live on

12. 'Tis

Extra credit due to some poetic license taken by me

13. Thrust forward in a medieval dungeon.

Edited by ChuckJerry
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25 answers to this question

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1. Sufficiently surly - Absolute Resolute

2. Quite a clever outcast - Absurd Nerd / Geek Freak

6. Our leader had a porterhouse for dinner. - Emperor Carnivore

10. Wilbur, I want you to call me Professor Ed from now on. - Horse Course

11. How your ancestors live on - Mostly Ghostly

Edit: nvm, duhfersure got #10 first

Edited by Brandonb
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Going out on a limb here but...

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Exclaimation Abbreviation?

Logic thus...

"It is." Is an exclaimation of sorts.

"'Tis" Is the abbreviation of this.

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Current Standings

1. Sufficiently surly (Gruff Enough - HoustonHokie)

2. Quite a clever outcast (Geek Freak - Brandonb. Not what I had in mind, but I guess it works.)

3. I spilled coffee all over my xerox. (Sloppy Copy - frotorious)

4. Gee, Charlie Brown, when did Snoopy pass the bar? (Legal Beagle - HoustonHokie)

5. I like to say "What's Up, Doc?" in my spare time. (Rabbit Habit - Sedition1917)

6. Our leader had a porterhouse for dinner. (Sheik Steak - Sedition1917. Not what I had in mind, but it works just as well)

7. The woman at the freak show had one. (Weird Beard - frotorious)

8. All the employees chuckled when the CEO tripped. (Staff Laugh - frotorious)

9. How do I love my pocket book? Let me count the ways... (Purse Verse - frotorious)

10. Wilbur, I want you to call me Professor Ed from now on. (Horse Course - duhfersure)

11. How your ancestors live on (Through You - duhfersure) (I also like Mostly Ghostly from Brandonb, though they are basically spelled the same)

12. 'Tis

Extra credit due to some poetic license taken by me

13. Thrust forward in a medieval dungeon.

Only 12 is unanswered. I'll rephrase 2 and 6 to as 14 and 15 to try and get the answers I was looking for.

I realize I messed up 13. I meant to say "thrust forward in a medieval prison" and I was looking for "dungeon lungin' " but clearly no one has a chance to get it the way I wrote it.

14. Streamlined wolf boy

15. Geronimo's burger (this is way too easy now)

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Think of the song

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  ChuckJerry said:
I'm anxiously awaiting Rhyme Time #4 from Brandonb, but to bridge that gap, I'm going to post my first puzzle.

This is slightly different from rhyme time, in that the answer will be two rhyming words, but they WILL NOT be spelled the same way. I hope the clues are not too esoteric.

1. Sufficiently surly

2. Quite a clever outcast

3. I spilled coffee all over my xerox.

4. Gee, Charlie Brown, when did Snoopy pass the bar?

5. I like to say "What's Up, Doc?" in my spare time.

6. Our leader had a porterhouse for dinner.

7. The woman at the freak show had one.

8. All the employees chuckled when the CEO tripped.

9. How do I love my pocket book? Let me count the ways...

10. Wilbur, I want you to call me Professor Ed from now on.

11. How your ancestors live on

12. 'Tis

Extra credit due to some poetic license taken by me

13. Thrust forward in a medieval dungeon.

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1. gruff enough

2. reject prefect?

3. sloppy copy

4. legal beagle

5. lunchtime punchline?

6. chief beef

7. weird beard

8. sauced boss?

9. purse verse

10. horse course

11. paternity eternity?

12. short report/retort?

13. skewer in a sewer? lunge in a dungeon?

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  JoyfullyOrange said:
I too am going out on a limb...

#12 Season Reason ? ('Tis the season...)

I like that answer, but those two are spelled the same (save for the first letter) and these ones are specifically not spelled the same. That's some good thinking, though.

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  Sedition1917 said:
Are you sure it's not Exlaimation Abbreviation, cause that sounds pretty good to me.

I think you should check again.... :P

I'm pretty sure that's not it. Rhyming just the -ation isn't all that satisfying anyhow.

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Sweet land of liberty

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Taking my own poetic license here...how about freezin' season? :-) Those of us from up north know ALL about those....

edit: hmm, just read that last clue. Never mind.

Edited by duhfersure
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  ChuckJerry said:
I like that answer, but those two are spelled the same (save for the first letter) and these ones are specifically not spelled the same. That's some good thinking, though.

ok, so does this mean I have the right song? I tried looking for 'Tis and only came up with a memoir, not a song..... you created a difficult one here!! :)

oops, you answered before I posted, I didn't see it in time, I'll keep trying

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  JoyfullyOrange said:
ok, so does this mean I have the right song? I tried looking for 'Tis and only came up with a memoir, not a song..... you created a difficult one here!! :)

Amazingly, you don't have the right song. Amazing because I figured there wouldn't be more than one song you'd think of with " 'tis" in it.

It's a patriotic song, America-centric.

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Of thee I sing

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  ChuckJerry said:
Amazingly, you don't have the right song. Amazing because I figured there wouldn't be more than one song you'd think of with " 'tis" in it.

'Tis the Season

Here 'Tis

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  ChuckJerry said:
the answer will be two rhyming words, but they WILL NOT be spelled the same way.

12. 'Tis

For the record, this last one (which I figured would be the hardest given it's the most obtuse clue) is "Third Word", as in "My country 'tis of thee."

Anyhow, I'm glad there was some interest in my first puzzle.

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  ChuckJerry said:
For the record, this last one (which I figured would be the hardest given it's the most obtuse clue) is "Third Word", as in "My country 'tis of thee."

Anyhow, I'm glad there was some interest in my first puzzle.

Oh snap! I had that thought a few times but negated it as many - thinking it was not a single word so it could not be the answer. Your stipulations was TWO words, rhyming but not spelled alike. Good puzzle, but #12 was not quite fair :)

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  JoyfullyOrange said:
Oh snap! I had that thought a few times but negated it as many - thinking it was not a single word so it could not be the answer. Your stipulations was TWO words, rhyming but not spelled alike. Good puzzle, but #12 was not quite fair :)

"Third word" is two words. Am I missing something?

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