The puzzle is solveable with only one solution. There is no word tricks, just logic.
There are 6 Kingdoms, Qin, Han, Wei, Shu, Wo and Jin.
Each kingdom has a unique flag color, Blue, Red, Yellow, Green, Orange and Purple.
Each kingdom has some men.
Combination of flag colors.
Blue + Red = Purple
Blue + Yellow = Green
Red + Yellow = Orange
Find out how many men each kingdom has and their flag color, just using the following 6 clues.
Clue 1: Han Kingdom has less men than combined men of Wei and Wo Kingdom, but more than combined flag colors of the Kingdoms that makes Han's flag color.
Clue 2: Qin Kingdom has half of the men of Han Kingdom's men, but twice of the men than the Kingdom with a yellow flag.
Clue 3: Color of Jin's flag color and the color of the flag with 750,000 men is equal to Shu Kingdom's flag color.
Clue 4: Shu's number of men is a quarter of combined men of the color of the flags that makes Shu Kingdom's flag color.
Clue 5: Combined men of Wo Kingdom and Wei Kingdom has more men than any one kingdom.
Clue 6: Number of men of Qin Kingdom and Wo Kingdom is same as Number of men combined the kingdoms that makes shu Kingdom's flag color.
There is only one solution.
*** Hint ***
What Clue 1 Means:
Han Kingdom has less men than combined men of Wei and Wo Kingdom,
Han's men < Wei's men + Wo's men
but more than combined flag colors of the Kingdoms that makes Han's flag color.
Han's men > Blue's men + Red's men OR Blue's men + Yellow's men OR Red's men + Yellow's men
Han's flag is NOT Blue, Yellow, or Red (Because Han's flag is a result of combined colors)
Thus, Han's flag must be either Green, Orange or Purple.
The puzzle is solveable with only one solution. There is no word tricks, just logic.
There are 6 Kingdoms, Qin, Han, Wei, Shu, Wo and Jin.
Each kingdom has a unique flag color, Blue, Red, Yellow, Green, Orange and Purple.
Each kingdom has some men.
Combination of flag colors.
Blue + Red = Purple
Blue + Yellow = Green
Red + Yellow = Orange
Find out how many men each kingdom has and their flag color, just using the following 6 clues.
Clue 1: Han Kingdom has less men than combined men of Wei and Wo Kingdom, but more than combined flag colors of the Kingdoms that makes Han's flag color.
Clue 2: Qin Kingdom has half of the men of Han Kingdom's men, but twice of the men than the Kingdom with a yellow flag.
Clue 3: Color of Jin's flag color and the color of the flag with 750,000 men is equal to Shu Kingdom's flag color.
Clue 4: Shu's number of men is a quarter of combined men of the color of the flags that makes Shu Kingdom's flag color.
Clue 5: Combined men of Wo Kingdom and Wei Kingdom has more men than any one kingdom.
Clue 6: Number of men of Qin Kingdom and Wo Kingdom is same as Number of men combined the kingdoms that makes shu Kingdom's flag color.
There is only one solution.
*** Hint ***
What Clue 1 Means:
Han Kingdom has less men than combined men of Wei and Wo Kingdom,
Han's men < Wei's men + Wo's men
but more than combined flag colors of the Kingdoms that makes Han's flag color.
Han's men > Blue's men + Red's men OR Blue's men + Yellow's men OR Red's men + Yellow's men
Han's flag is NOT Blue, Yellow, or Red (Because Han's flag is a result of combined colors)
Thus, Han's flag must be either Green, Orange or Purple.
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