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Looking for a Rottz Games Einstein's Riddle Logic Puzzles 'Expert'



I have written a program that emulates the manner in which I manually solve these puzzles. The program works - but only most of the time (regardless of the size of the puzzle). Since there are some puzzles that I cannot solve, I have come up with the following 'reasons':

  • There is some solving process that I have not yet discovered
  • There is a bug in some of the puzzles making them not solvable.

There was one puzzle, I believe Hard 283, that I was able to solve, but solving it took a fair amount of effort writing notes, etc - it was not fun. This makes me suspect that I am missing a solving process...

Anyway, if you are an 'expert' at this game, or know someone who is, I would welcome the opportunity to communicate with you. Thanks.


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