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:duh:These are riddles that the hobbit Biblo and a Gollum tried to fool each other with. Most of them stumped me!!! Good luck, you need it!


What has roots as nobody sees,

Is taller than trees,

up, up it goes,

and yet never grows?


thirty white horses on a red hill,

first they champ,

then they stamp,

then they stay still


voiceless it cries,

wingless flutters,

toothless bites,

mouthless mutters


an eye in a blue face

saw an eye in a green face.

"That eyes is like to this eye"

said the first eye,

"but low in place

not in a high place."


it cannot be seen, cannot be felt,

cannot be heard, cannot be smelt,

it lies behind stars and under hills,

and empty holes it fills.

It comes first and follows after,

ends life, kills laughter.


A box without hinges, key, or lid,

yet golden treasure inside is hid.


alive without breath,

as cold as death,

never thirsty, never breathing,

all in mail never thinking.


This things all things devours,

birds, beasts, trees, and flowers,

gnaws iron, bites steel,

grinds hard stones to meal,

slays king, ruin town,

and beats high mountain down.

Whew! Good luck!

And I'm not posting the answers quite yet... :unsure:

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4 answers to this question

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Ohh!! These are very old riddles and there are more of 'em. Have read them before.. And int the 7th riddle its clinking and not thinking i guess.

1. Mountain 2. Teeth 3. Wind 4. Sun shining on daisies growing in a field 5. Dark 6. Egg 7. Fish 8. Time

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oh. Ok. I'm new here... But yup, the first guy is right. Thanks for the advice, second guy.

Second guy saying :P : no problem dude i was a bit confused and lost when i first got here .again welcome to BD .

and good work first guy thumbsup.gif:lol:

Edited by Hidden G
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