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hello everyone, and welcome to the amazing contest. your task, should you choose to accept it, is to write a program that generates a maze, and a second program that traverses a maze.

the maze will be size 50 by 50 cells. each cell will either be blank (can move through) or X (cannot move through)

every maze should have two openings along the outer wall (the outer wall counts toward the 50 by 50, so really it's more 48 by 48) and a path that goes from one to the other.

the score you receive is as follows: the average time (in seconds) it takes someone to traverse your maze/the average time it takes you to traverse someone else's maze.

you can have just one long winding path, or many paths with dead ends, a single static maze, or a more randomly generated one, its up to you!

I'll be coding the contest in python, though java is fine for submission.

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is anyone still interested in this? i know its been a while, so just wanted to see if anyone as working on code still.

I haven't been working on this in a while... :(

Like I said, path-finding algorithms aren't a simple problem. I almost got an algorithm working, but I haven't figured out how to stop it from going back down a dead end that it thinks is closer. I had an idea, but I never got the kinks worked out. It's more of a lack of effort than inability on my part.

Did anyone submit anything? :blush:

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