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Consider the first 1001 digits of pi (ignore the

decimal point):






















Now, let P(i) be the ith digit of pi,

where i is in [1,1001]. Your task is

to find a 10-long vector of non-zero

integers V such that the sum of the

absolute values of the dot products

of V with P at all possible positions

inside P produces a minimum value.

That is, let


where {i=a,b} means 'i varies over

all integer values in the closed

interval [a,b].'

Find V and its Q(V) such that Q(V) is

as small as possible.

Edited by superprismatic
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I might just be misunderstanding something, but it seems to me that the text description is not the same as the description with mathematical notation. Shouldn't it be Q(V)=sum{i=1,1001}[abs(sum{j=1,10}[P(i)*V(j)])] if we are to use "all possible positions inside P"?

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I might just be misunderstanding something, but it seems to me that the text description is not the same as the description with mathematical notation. Shouldn't it be Q(V)=sum{i=1,1001}[abs(sum{j=1,10}[P(i)*V(j)])] if we are to use "all possible positions inside P"?

What I meant by "all possible positions inside P" was:


I was thinking of "sliding" the 10-long V vector thru all consecutive 10-long segments of P.

By the way, V can have positive and negative elements but may not have a zero element.

Although I have a favorite vector V together with a relatively small Q(V), it may not

be the smallest possible. I'm curious to see if anyone can find something better.

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If I've done this correctly, I seem to be getting the following results:


15 -15 14 20 6 6 -15 -7 -18 -6

Let me know if this shouldn't be happening, and I'll see if I can find out where I've made a mistake in my programming.

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1 1 -1 1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 -1

Also with a Q(V) of 0, assuming that my programming is correct.

1 1 -1 1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 Q(V)=7322, which is very good but still a bit bigger than my best.

Getting zero is probably an indication of a bug. After all, Pi is pretty random!

Edited by superprismatic
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Ah, bug found.

V: 1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 (veeery pretty, might I add)

Q(V): 6898

I'm not using spoilers because this problem is not a puzzle with a known answer.

I checked your answer and for your V=(1,1,1,1,-1,-1,-1,-1), I also compute Q(V) to be 6898.

Notice that, because of the absolute value in the function Q, Q(V)=Q(-V). So, Q(V)=6898

for V=(-1,-1,-1,-1,1,1,1,1) as well. Will you give a short description of what your program

does? Is there a lot of guessing? Is a genetic algorithm involved? Did you use one of the

methods (like the Simplex Algorithm) to optimize Q(V)? Also, do you have any clue as to

why the V you got is so pretty? Perhaps it's a property of Pi itself. I hope we can get

even better answers than the pretty one you found.

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I actually had the same thought, and tested it with some random lists of digits of same length; none of those end up with the same result for minimum Q(V) as for pi, so I'm thinking that it's something in particular with pi. Which is fascinating in and of itself, really.

I don't know enough about algorithms to be able to name the method I used, but I can describe it. I made four functions:

A. Creates a vector of length 10, with random integers ranging from -x to x, where x is user-chosen.

B. Checks whether the vector contains a zero or not. If it does, the vector is discarded. If not, it is kept.

C. Finds the dot product as per the instructions in the puzzle.

D. Runs functions A, B and C n times, where n is user-chosen, and returns the lowest Q(V) found with its corresponding V.

I then ran function D with a million iterations, using x=1. I also tested it with x=100, but this only gave larger values for Q(V), for what I consider intuitive reasons.

If one indeed can assume that Q(V) will always be lowest with x=1, then I have a more systematic idea for how to solve this - i.e. by running function D for the 2^10=1024 permutations of -1's and 1's specifically, rather than picking random V's.

Liked the puzzle, thanks for that :)

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