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Here are the first 1001 digits of pi:


We are to convert this into a string of letters.
We will use the assignment A=0, B=1, C=2, ..., Z=25
and these rules for making strings:

Let d(i) be the ith digit of pi (we ignore the
decimal point). We start with an empty string and
an index, n, initialized to 1.
1. if d(n) is in the set {0,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, we
concatenate the letter corresponding to d(n)
to the string, then we increment n by 1.
2. if d(n) is 1 then we have the choice:
2a. concatinate B to our string, then
increment n by 1.
2b. concatenate the letter corresponding to
10+d(n+1), then increment n by 2.
3. if d(n) is 2 and d(n+1) is greater than 5, we
concatinate C to the string, then increment n
by 1.
4. if d(n) is 2 and d(n+1) is less than 6, we
have the choice:
4a. concatinate C to the string, then increment
n by 1.
4b. concatinate the letter corresponding to
20+d(n+1) to the string, then increment
n by 2.

The challenge is to determine how many different
strings we can make in this way from the first 1001
digits of pi.


Note well:

It may seem that this problem is a good one for

a programmer. Not so! The number of strings

are so numerous that you cannot enumerate them

with a program. The real solution to this problem

rests with insight. Owing to the size of the data

set (1001 digits), it may be helpful to massage the

data using a program, but this is by no means

necessary, and it may actually increase the time

to solution.


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4 answers to this question

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If my logic is correct...

2^177 or 1.91561942608236E+53 different strings, then take into account the 1s and 2s that are next to each other, which will reduce your choice by one for each set that is together, you get (2^177)-37 or (1.91561942608236E+53)-37

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If my logic is correct...

2^177 or 1.91561942608236E+53 different strings, then take into account the 1s and 2s that are next to each other, which will reduce your choice by one for each set that is together, you get (2^177)-37 or (1.91561942608236E+53)-37

First of all, I think you miscounted the 1s and 20s, 21s, 22s, 23s, 24s, and 25s. There are 176 of them, not 177. Even with that, I think your number is way too big.

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I counted all combinations which allow more strings (i.e. 1 and 2 followed by 0,1,2,3,4,5). In pi we have:

1x 1121 = once 4 digits

3x 211

1x 122

2x 111 = six times 3 digits

3x 22

11x 21

3x 12

8x 11 = 25 times 2 digits

plus 104 single digits

total number of possible strings is:

2^104 * 3^25 * 5^6 * 8 = approx. 2.15 * 10^48

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You beat me to it Hugo, I went back and found my mistake and counted the multiples again like you did,

My first answer was off by a factor of 5.

excel gave me...

I agree with 2^104 * 3^25 * 5^6 * 8 being the formula,

2^104 = 2.02824096036517 E+31

3^25 = 847,288,609,443

5^6 = 15625

8^1 = 8

Multiplied together you get 2.14813182865392E+48

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