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I sort of made the beginnings of a fun template for an RPG-esque game. I would be the game master and we would need probably 4-8 people playing different races/classes etc (based on the game template). It would be very open to what the players want to do. I was a DM for a very long time so I have a lot of experience but we could make story-telling/role-playing as in-depth as you want as full-on RPG or it could be just more of a choice-based choose-your-own-adventure type thing. Whatever the players want... we could even make a simple battle/combat system if desired...

what do you think?

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I voted no on the roleplayed combat system mainly for two reasons:

1) Combat takes twice as long as mainstream roleplaying anyways due to taking turns at everything. If we were taking turns at roleplaying, it would take even longer than that.

2) "I whip out my sword in a swirling dance of death, cutting down two of my foes as I spin and neatly impaling the third where he stood!" - I just singlehandedly won the battle without any kind of assistance from any other players. Even with a gamemaster to regulate godmode posting, a single godmode post could bog down the game for days just trying to get it sorted into a normal post.

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I wouldn't miss this for the world! :D

I also voted no for the simple fights, it would just take up time and take away from the role playing. Plus, one-on-one battles encourage more activity than all-against-ones. Some would probably be more inclined to hang out in the background and wait for others to finish it.

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