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Let F(n) denote the Fibonacci sequence, i.e.

F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2), F(0) = 1, F(1) = 1;

Find a closed form expression in terms of n for the ratio of consecutive numbers in this sequence: F(n)/F(n-1).

What is the limit of this ratio as n approaches infinity?

Edited by mmiguel1
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phi happens to have the property

f - 1 = 1/f

You can use this equation to solve for an exact representation of phi

f^2 - f - 1 = o

(1 + (1 -- 4)^0.5)/2

(1 + sqrt(5))/2

Why phi has this property, I don't know, I'll try to figure that out

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I think I remember finding this once a while ago. Let a and b be 2 consecutive terms in the sequence. The next number in the sequence must be a+b. Let us also assume that there is an exact ratio between any 2 consecutive terms in the sequence. Therefore:

b/a = (a+b)/b

b2 - ab - a2 = 0

solve for b: b = (a + a*sqrt(5))/2

Diving by a gives a value for a/b, or phi: phi = (1+sqrt5)/2

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You guys have found the answer to the second part of the question: "What is the limit of F(n)/F(n-1) as n approaches infinity?"

The first part is much harder and is basically equivalent to finding the closed form expression of F(n).

I will post a derivation later but give it a try.

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