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You fill this up, then go for a ride,

slowly disappears what you've put inside.

When this is empty, you don't have to walk,

Quite frankly I'd say that your ready to rock.

Hey not to confuse you, I wouldn't to that,

What you put in is not clear it's black.

So tell me what is it that you filled.

My day is ruined if mine is spilled.

Yes this ones easy, I know that is true.

I'm addicted to riddles, and this too.

(On the road this morning, check later. Have a great Day. :thumbsup:)

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Ok that makes sense, could not think of it. :duh:

If you could not tell from my first post, I don't like coffee. :PB))

I saw that, It's ok you knew the answer, good thing is it wasn't a one guesser. :thumbsup:

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