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It happened on the north pole because that is the only place where a situation like this could happen. In any other place on this planet the man would need to turn more than Pi/2

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would say that the type of bear can not be concluded from the the orignal question. While polar bears do in fact inhabit the regions at or near the NORTH POLE that doesn't exclude the possibility of some other type to be there. The information provided doesn't offer enough to deduce that with certainty. And as for the color of the bear instead of arguing wether the fur is translucent or transparent you should instead realize that no object has color. Color is something we apply to our world ( like time) and that it is relative to our unique perspectives and doesn't truly exist as we assume. As previously stated color is actually our eyes perceiving the light that is reflected back from an object color is a state not a physical characteristic. I would think that whoever devised this question was actually trying to test the listeners ability to see beyond the obvious and to perceive our world in a new light so to speak...... In the land of the blind the one eyed man is KING

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  • 1 month later...

Actually the bear is black, in terms of our colour understanding, i.e the abscence of reflected light, or to put it in terms of art, the colours are base and the tones are black or white.

The fur is translucent and actually hollow, which allows better absorbtion of sun light and insulates somewhat against the cold.

Though i agree it would be a polar bear. B))

Which totally dismisses the Q, Do bears S..T in the woods? Better to answer, Is the pope a catholic? When trying to give the long winded affirmative.

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  mynameisjjonas said:
Don't think of the bear running west of a point where the man was, but where he ended up, the north pole. Then, the bear would be doing circles around him. And, he would aim souh no matter where the bear was.

Hmm... thats correct for sure bcoz anywhere u point from the N. pole u would face south only.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  rookie1ja said:
Bear - Back to the Einstein's Riddles

The famous physicist made this riddle for his scholars. A fellow encountered a bear in a wasteland. There was nobody else there. Both were frightened and ran away. Fellow to the north, bear to the west. Suddenly the fellow stopped, aimed his gun to the south and shot the bear. What colour was the bear?

If you don't know, this may help you: if the bear ran 3.14 times faster than the fellow (still westwards), the fellow could have shot straight in front of him, however for the booty he would have to go to the south.

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Bear - solution

It all happened on the North Pole. When the man shot, he must have been right on the North Pole. Getting it? So it makes sense to assume that the only color the bear could be was WHITE.

So this is it. I've heard another logical solutions (even that there are no bears neither on the North nor on the South Pole), but this one presented makes sense to me. And what about you?

white polar bear .

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  sharknateher said:
Whoa. Very rarely do I encounter people who know that a polar bear's fur is indeed clear and that the properties of the hair reflect and refract light in such a way as to make it appear white, especially when surrounded by snow. However, the question does not ask what color is the bear's fur. It asks, what color is the bear? And generally speaking, despite the clear hair feature, the polar bear does indeed appear to be white in color in most any surroundings (except zoos where fungus turns the fur green - sad :(

I say the bear would be red.. if he was shot he was bleeding? :P

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This reminds me of another riddle.

A man lives in a house where all walls face north. He is all alone in this wasteland. He goes outside and is frightened to see a bear there. What color is the bear??

lol, the bear is obviously white because he's a polar bear. ^^

This is the type of riddle where the details aren't important, but try to see the obvious. Love it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I appologize in advance if I am resurrecting this thread, as I see that the serious discussion has been over for a while, but reading through it, I got to the solution with the help of a friend of mine, but then realized that the solution is no longer completely valid, and in the near future will almost certainly be no longer valid.

I refer to global warming.

While during Einstein's time polar bears may have had the opportunity to roam all the way up to the arctic circle, now that the ice caps have melted so much, we might not have to wait much longer before this solution no longer becomes valid. (I'm not entirely sure that it is still valid even now.)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  arthuroys said:
I refer to global warming.

While during Einstein's time polar bears may have had the opportunity to roam all the way up to the arctic circle, now that the ice caps have melted so much, we might not have to wait much longer before this solution no longer becomes valid. (I'm not entirely sure that it is still valid even now.)

... please ...

Normal Polar Bear range never reached the North Pole, but that isn't important to the riddle.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think that the man was standing on the South Pole and the bear (I know there are no bears at the South Pole but they are not at the North Pole either) was any distance from there. When the man turns and runs, he will run north no matter what. Then when he turns to shoot the bear he will shoot south no matter what (the only assumption is that they will run in opposite directions, I would.) and will have to travel south to get his bounty.

Since, I'm not a Rhodes Scholer I feel there must be something else but then if I knew so much Iguess I would have been rich.

"As Usual, Just Thinking"

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  nirajha said:
There is a serious flaw over here. Since you are talking about spatial rotation you should specify that the trajectory of the bullet curves as per the earth's surface.

gosh people are funny.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  sharknateher said:
Whoa. Very rarely do I encounter people who know that a polar bear's fur is indeed clear and that the properties of the hair reflect and refract light in such a way as to make it appear white, especially when surrounded by snow. However, the question does not ask what color is the bear's fur. It asks, what color is the bear? And generally speaking, despite the clear hair feature, the polar bear does indeed appear to be white in color in most any surroundings (except zoos where fungus turns the fur green - sad :(

okay well im new to this


we've said the fur is in fact clear but only seems white because of the hair reflecting light

so that would be part of the bear

but what i've also heard is that the bear itself is actually black but only seems white cause of the fur


so depends on how u interpret the meaning "what color is the bear?"


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  • 3 weeks later...

Here the answer is, I am a genius!

It all happened on the North Pole. When the man shot, he must have been right on the North Pole. Getting it? So it makes sense to assume that the only color the bear could be was WHITE.

So this is it. I've heard another logical solutions (even that there are no bears neither on the North nor on the South Pole), but this one presented makes sense to me. And what about you?

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  • 2 weeks later...

If this is an Einstein riddle I am sure it was meant to be very simple.

If not there are probably many things that could have been considered before answering, and many have already been pointed out.

The north pole:

When Einstein wrote this riddle, how many men had actually stood at the North Pole.

Was it a clear day at the pole? was it during the six months when there is light on the north pole? could the man actually see the bear?

Why would you take a gun to the North Pole? and if you did would one work?

Polar bear fur is transparent, it has no colour. Polar bears look white because of the way their fur reflects visible light. Of course, looking white helps a polar bear blend right into the ice and snow, so coud the man have actually been able to see the bear.

Polar Bears are found in the Arctic circle and near the north pole.

I am sure there are other questions that could be asked, but I think the riddle was meant to be simple. I do believe there aren't too many colours a bear could be so for this riddle the north pole was where the man stood when he took the shot because the only bear that could have come to be any where near the north pole would have had to have been a polar bear. So the answer to the riddle is of course like many others have answered:


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No need to make this such a big deal :) The bear's fur is white for many reasons, but it's white! The colour is white! I don't expect an abnormal purple polar bear running around the arctic circle westward shouting in bear language "Hey get away you white bears! It's my turn to get shot! Get lost!"

No. :)

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  • 2 months later...
  rookie1ja said:
Bear - Back to the Einstein's Riddles

The famous physicist made this riddle for his scholars. A fellow encountered a bear in a wasteland. There was nobody else there. Both were frightened and ran away. Fellow to the north, bear to the west. Suddenly the fellow stopped, aimed his gun to the south and shot the bear. What colour was the bear?

If you don't know, this may help you: if the bear ran 3.14 times faster than the fellow (still westwards), the fellow could have shot straight in front of him, however for the booty he would have to go to the south.

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Bear - solution

It all happened on the North Pole. When the man shot, he must have been right on the North Pole. Getting it? So it makes sense to assume that the only color the bear could be was WHITE.

So this is it. I've heard another logical solutions (even that there are no bears neither on the North nor on the South Pole), but this one presented makes sense to me. And what about you?

Won't the bear be red, because the blood of the bear would stain it's fur when the bear got shot.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Actually, a polar bear's skin is BLACK!!

"The hollow guard hairs of a polar bear coat were once thought to act as fiber-optic tubes to conduct light to its black skin (...)"


"But under their fur, polar bears have black skin—the better to soak in the sun's warming rays."


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