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Everything posted by Yoruichi-san

  1. Hehe...actually it's a reference to all that class of anime...which I'm totally addicted to (and I'll admit I stole some of the ideas for these murders from...;P)
  2. Yeah, Nayana, I was trying to say that I thought your reason was actually good because it was not your fault, whereas a person doing things they know they shouldn't and getting themselves banned is not a good reason...
  3. Sorry, another hectic day... and the Night's activities have been interesting, to say the least...this Night Post is going to take me some time...but I promise to make it worth the wait!
  4. Yoruichi-san

    As to who the man was, I never really thought about it, but maybe it was the Mimic! Hehe, yeah, through the process of elimination I figured it had to be that phrase that held the clue...so I went to the same Wikipedia page ... Was Frost so sleepy he didn't notice his tour guide was actually a man-eating Arachobunny?
  5. Looks like IENTNAT has everyone stumped...
  6. Yoruichi-san

    Haha...well, just be thankful you posted this *after* the post pumping party/flame war... Anyways, because Frost has such an awesome command of words:
  7. Well, it was a great lecture, we're really glad that you came , but don't thank me just yet...it hasn't been said you left Redrum University alive...;P
  8. *sshhhhhh*! Don't put any ideas into TC's head...
  9. C'est une bonne idea! Yeah...and I'm not *that* bad of an organizer...>><
  10. ...Wow, you're gloating about spamming more than Mekal...at least he had the maturity to realize what he did was wrong and accept the consequences of what he did...you seem to be proud about pissing people off...>.<
  11. Yoruichi-san

    Uh, I've heard a variation on this with penguin soup...actually it was my first posted topic and it got locked .
  12. I'd vote for that for the worst excuse...although I suppose it would have been worse if he had been suspended for trying to hack into the PMs...;P
  13. Uh...DUH!!!! "Sorry, I was late to the wedding cuz I knocked off a liquor store and was arrested...but it's totally not my fault!"
  14. Yoruichi-san

    BANG! is one of the best game in the world...search on Wikipedia, the fountain of all knowledge ;P
  15. Yoruichi-san

    Actually, I think as science and technology move forward and the internet takes over the world, there will be less of the "wars" that we're used to...it's just a waste of resources. War in the traditional sense, i.e. physical war, is a Zero-sum game, or actually, considering the loss of resources (loss of lives, destruction of land, etc), it's actually a negative sum game, that is, the world loses as a whole because of it. But there will be more financial "wars" as different companies try to win over the customers and over the capital. These new wars will be fought in cyberspace and in boardrooms and hence will not take the same toll on the world as physical wars. There will always be conflict as long as ppl are selfish, but violence will definitely decrease.
  16. Oh, oops, forgot, there was another sticky note found: Decided to arrest Ocular-Enso again, he's a tricky one - Your Friendly Neighborhood Wraith
  17. Okay, here are the links...I think I've fixed them so that they actually go to the post... Rules and Intro: The Storm Arrives Night One: Phaze Phases Out Day One: 2B or not 2B Night Two: Overcooked Chicken Day Two: The End of the Beginning Night Three: Flowers for the Dead Day Three: Dressed to Arrest Night Four: Saved by the Jail Day Four: Three...Two...One...Zero
  18. DAY FOUR Three...Two...One...Zero Nayana's outline was illuminated by the setting (holographic) sun. She had one hand on her hip and her head was raised high in triumph. The other citizens, what remained of them, stood next to her, wearing smug, excited smiles as the guard bots led SoKrisky down his final path towards the airlock. "I'm Zero!" he cried, waving his hands in the air like a madman. "No, I'm the NF, no, I'm M4F14!" Frozen gave him an incredulous look. "Yeah, that strategy worked real well for Phaze..." "Airlock SoKrispy, airlock SoKrispy!" the crowd chanted. SoKrisky glared at them with his differently colored eyes. "It's SoKris-K-y! If you all want to kill me, at least you could get my name right!" His voice sounded furious, but his eyes did not display anger. No, there were no emotions that could be found in his eyes unless one dug really deep and found the deep-rooted sadness that he hid, even from himself. But his name, his life, even his death did not matter. Nothing in the world mattered now. After all, he was Zero. Just then, Mekal walked by, talking into his i-holophone. He was so engrossed in the conversation that he was oblivious to what was going on around him. "No, you're lame. I'll be the first one to reach five hundred..." Upon hearing the number, Zero's pupils dilated, and his instinct made him pounce on Mekal. "Aaagh!" Mekal coughed as Zero put him in a choke grip. The guard bots surrounded them and tried unsuccessfully to separate the two. The shouts from the crowd got louder. Being an AI, Y-S4N immediately recognized the most efficient solution. Oh well, Y-S4N shrugged (cybertronically) and gave the guard bots the order. The guard bots grabbed both of the creatures and tossed them into the airlock. CP nonchalantly pressed the buttons on the control panel. The inner doors closed. Mekal was panicking, banging on the doors. Zero stood there, wordlessly, his intense stare fixed on the space in front of him. The outer doors opened and the two were sucked out into space. Mekal's screams faded into a dull drone. Zero felt the strength draining out of him along with the body heat. As his eyes closed, an image appeared in his mind's eye. It was the image of a woman with light brown hair and innocent violet eyes. She smiled kindly at him and extended her hand. His body was numb from the lack of heat, but yet seeing her beautiful face kindled a slight warmth in the heart he had thought he no longer had. Zero shakily raised his own hand and reached for hers...and then the darkness engulfed him. Host AIs: Y-S4N and L1S Roster: 1) Frozen 2) Mekal - DEAD [Cybernetic Droid] (air-locked) 3) ThunderChicken - DEAD [?] (killed by...Everyone???) 4) onetruth - DEAD [QA] (air-locked) 5) Ocular-Enso 6) Kat 7) Crazypainter 8) GC - DEAD [?] (killed by M4F14) 9) Nayana 10) Slickster - DEAD [bioEnginner] (killed by M4F14) 11) Dusty - DEAD [?] (killed by M4F14) 12) Dawh - DEAD [QA] (air-locked) 13) Sinistral - DEAD [?] (killed by Zero) 14) taliesin 15) woon 16) Ben Law 17) Phaze - DEAD [?] (killed by Mimic) 18) SoKrisky - DEAD [Zero] (air-locked) 19) Brandonb - DEAD??? [?] (killed by Seven) 20) Joe's Student-DEAD [M4F14] (air-locked)
  19. Okay, day post coming in a few minutes...I was kind of rushed, so its not as epic as usual...XP Anyways, the Day technically ended at 1 pm central time, but I gave ppl (*cough Mekal*) until 3:30...and getting oneself banned for flaming is NOT a good excuse... Edit: Correction
  20. No, it does not matter exactly where they were found.
  21. Okay, the vote is final. It's been hectic today, so the day post will come in about an hour. Mekal is getting killed off for inactivity.
  22. Lol...thanks, I think...
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