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Everything posted by Brandonb

  1. Nope, you make #20. I think that's now the full roster! 1) Frozen 2) Mekal 3) ThunderChicken 4) onetruth 5) twoaday 6) Kat 7) Crazypainter 8) GC 9) Nayana 10) Slickster 11) Dusty 12) Rene 13) Clueless 14) taliesin (maybe) 15) yoktado (maybe) 16) Bagels 17) Phaze 18) SoKrisky 19) Brandonb 20) Joe's Student Lets get this thing started!
  2. Host: Y-san 1) Frozen 2) Mekal 3) ThunderChicken 4) onetruth 5) twoaday 6) Kat 7) Crazypainter 8) GC 9) Nayana 10)Slickster 11) Dusty 12) Rene 13) Clueless 14) taliesin (maybe) 15) yoktado (maybe) 16) Bagels 17) Phaze 18)SoKrisky 19)Brandonb I'm in. I won't be as active as in the past games (I know I didn't seem to be active in VI, but I was on and scheming all the time ) but I'll do my best to do my best It may be tough to keep up, so please don't post BS.
  3. Don't forget II, it's a shorter read and it gets the point across well. Happy B-day CP!
  4. I love the graverobber idea. That one definitely needs to go in the game.
  5. BTW, Unreality's notes were wrong. I wasn't in the safehouse on the 2nd night. I was very regretful that we didn't put GC in since it was a waste of its use, and he died as a result. I think I'll probably play in M4F14, but I gotta see what my classes are like first. I don't want to sign up then immediately have to pull out. As of now I'll probably be in, I'll make my decision by tomorrow.
  6. Yeah man, I gotta hand it to you. You single handedly brought this game to a crashing halt. I love how that whole night went full circle. The GR kill the LP, The Ninja killed the GR, The Bankroller killed the Ninja, The Yakuza killed the Bankroller, The innocents Killed the Yakuza, The death of the Yakuza killed the QAs. Its the LP's job to not get killed by the QAs. Instead, through a series of radical events, the LP indirectly killed both QAs. Well done you loon
  7. ?? I was never trying to be the SV. Just trying to lay low. I guess I can see how you drew that conclusion, but it was completely unintentional. Yeah, I was planning on playing that with Rene as a last resort. There was no way for me to win the game, but depending on how things went I could have possibly even made it through the next lynching with a double confusion angle (the Rene thing you suggested, and a harder play on CL). I don't think it really would have worked, but it would have been fun.
  8. Oh yeah!? Well I had you pegged as a Yakuza from the very beginning! SO hehe, well done. I know I was suspicious for the whole game, but the change up, plus the "you guys always pick on me!" card worked really well Edit: Plus, what about the SV thing made you suspicious? I don't follow what you got from that.
  9. Hehe, thank you Frost. Even though I lost to the innocents. This right here made me feel like I had won no matter what happened: Ooooooh it made me feel so good! and slimy at the same time Edit: I didn't hide in the safehouse to protect myself from you. Even though I had the idea that you may want to kill me. I mainly did it to frame pw. Worked well for the pw thing at first... worked EVEN BETTER with the side effects. hehe
  10. LOL! Here, maybe you'll enjoy a couple candid posts by me, to me, in the Mafioso forum after you kill GC "Wow, what the hell happened? I guess the Yakuza may have thought that GC was an important innocent, b/c the message said nothing about thinking that he was. Well I was afraid that the Yakuza's plan may have been to take out the Mafia, but that doesn't make sense with their abilities. Take out the Mafia and then they lose all their bankroller abilities!? Nah, that's lame. But then again, why didn't the Yakuza take out a confirmed innocent like Rene? hmm, I think I may have to kill a Yakuza tomorrow night. So, I guess no more Bankroller messages. No more bargaining. and SOAB, I forgot to include the SB in the night post. I really with I knew the objective of the Yakuza so that we could up our numbers again. $***. UR, I'm so lonely. It's so quiet I can hear my echo! Someone please talk to me!.... *to me..... *to me...... *to me *************************************************** OMG, UR I need your help! I'm getting so paranoid! *j/k hehe Seriously though, I want to make contact with the Yakuza, I know how to identify myself to them, but I don't know if their mission is to live longer than the mafia!!! Whatever it is, I don't want them to get to their goal, so they have to join me instead! I mean, that doesn't fit into the rules, but I can't help but wonder! Can you please clarify this!? (He didn't ) Yeah, I made a few posts reaching out to the Yakuza, trying to let them know that I was a Mafioso. Bad idea
  11. Hehehe, Aint I a stinker? Who do you think came up with the Bankroller post?
  12. Wait, Dawh is on. He can let us get on with the game now if he pleads no contest.
  13. OK, the night is over at 11:30, we have about an hour till the day post unless Dawh wants to plead No Contest. Then we will be able to get on with this and get some more concrete info.
  14. Is the day post at 10:30 or 11:30?
  15. Pick me, maybe you'll get the Spy ability and you can clear me. But then again you may not be who you say you are, but for now my list is looking like CL's (except her name in the place of mine). So all I can do is hope that you're actually the Janitor AND you get the Spy ability.
  16. 1) I thought Dawh was my best bet as the inspector (remember I was suspicious of Frost, I wasn't going to protect him) The rules said that pw could be protected in jail, so I thought it was the best move to not protect him and go for the other unknown. 2) There weren't too many roles left that I hadn't figured out. One was pw, one was Dawh, one was Frost, and now I'm doubting a couple others (there's still one among us). So I went with my best guess with Dawh (not a very good one). 3) ??? because I thought it would help narrow down who the baddies were. If everyone came out with their roles then we could just look at the last two with matching roles and figure it out. It kinda worked I guess, but not as well as I had hoped. No, there wasn't a need, but strategically it made sense. I also figured that (as always) I would become a heavy suspect. So I figured it would be best if I went ahead and cleared myself right then.
  17. Right, I got confused about what was happening. I was just saying that he shouldn't post the actual PMs. It's certainly acceptable for him to find out what happened.
  18. Oops, I got confused, nvm sorry
  19. Actually, I don't think there is a "right to know" anything that has not bee said in the thread. I mean, it's not in the rules right now, but it's not in good taste (ex. Mekal's move). Just pointing that out.
  20. Host: Unreality 1) GC - DEAD [Mafioso - Bankroller] Killed by Yakuza 2) Frozen - DEAD [Ninja] Killed by Mafia 3) Frost - voting for Dawh 4) Brandonb - voting for Dawh 5) Dawh - voting for Frozen_2 6) Ysan - DEAD [Yakuza] Lynched 7) LIS - DEAD [Defender] Lynched 8) Clueless - DEAD [QA] Alias discovered 9) Twoaday - DEAD [QA] Alias discovered 10) Cherry Lane - DEAD [?] Killed by Mafia 11) Johnson - voting for Dawh 12) Puzzlegirl - DEAD [street Vendor] Dispatched by Mafia 13) Phaze - DEAD [?] Killed by Grim Reaper 14) Mekal - voting for Dawh 15) Rene - voting for Dawh 16) CrazyPainter - voting for Dawh 17) Frozen_2 - cannot vote 18) Dusty - DEAD [Grim Reaper] Killed by Ninja 19) LM - voting for Brandonb 20) Dnae - DEAD [Mafioso] Masked Lover 21) CL_2 - voting for Dawh Can we get a No Contest? Unless of course you wanna confirms who the last mafioso is!
  21. LOL! I was just going to do the same the same thing I'll change my vote once a few people get theirs in, so we don't have the "wrong roster issue" again and again and again...
  22. Are you (b/c you prob could) post it in the "New Puzzles" section? I bet if it gets the feature spot on iGoogle it would bring in alot of new people AND get them active and into BD.
  23. You're right, b/c I'm the Healer
  24. Since Mekal is on, I can post my info now.... Ok, heres what’s going on. (I’ve been working on this for a while) hopefully everyone gets this. CL made this response AFTER I wrote this… and this You can tell that she is trying to make me look suspicious, again, and there is a very good reason for this. I’ll explain the reasoning for this when Mekal confirms what Frost’s role is (since I still have him as a suspicious character). CL also wrote this: AFTER I had written this: As you can see, CL BLATENTLY lied about what had happened, because she guessed (and was right about it) that no one would go back and check my post OR the rules for themselves. Here’s a quote from the rules: OK, now time to explain what is going on. The Mafia got the bomb on the first night (CL-1) because the bomb ALWAYS lives until the end. It was a gamble sure, but it was their best chance for success. Surprisingly, the bomb DIDN’T blow up. This left them with the opportunity to have one of them play the role of the bomb! So they declared that the people lynch the bomb, knowing that the bomb was gone, and that people were too afraid to take out the bomb, thereby confirming their Mafioso as an innocent. That one Mafioso stepped in as the bomb role for the whole game, knowing that they would NEVER be targeted. This means that the Lie Detectors that the Bomb supposedly made were BS. This is why I had to wait to hear the confirmation on Frost. Tolecnal said that she lie inspected Frost. If Tolecnal had been the bomb she wouldn’t have needed to. This is b/c Tolecnal wasn’t the bomb, but (given her odds were 12-2) she went along with pretending she knew Frost was an innocent, which allowed her to fly right under the radar through the entire game. I also had to wait b/c we are on the verge of lynching a Yakuza (must be a Yakuza b/c CL must be a Mafioso), I still don’t know if it’s Dawh or pw/Frozen-2. The last thing we need was more confusion instead of a solid vote. CL-1 was the bomb, check your roster, CL-2 is the last Mafioso, pretending to be the bomb. Thank you! And GOOD NIGHT! :-D Hehe, watch, she can’t even blow me up! Try it! (I really hope I’m not wrong but it’s the only thing that makes sense unless Myself or Rene is lying). Edit: Spelling
  25. What are you talking about? CL is not the inspector, and I never claimed to be?? I'm the Healer
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