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Everything posted by BMAD

  1. Winoc sells four types of products. The resources needed to produce one unit of each and the sales prices is listed below: Resource Product 1 Product 2 Product 3 Product 4 Raw Material 2 3 4 7 Hours of labor 3 4 5 6 Sales Price ($) 4 6 7 8 Currently, 4,600 units of raw material and 5,000 labor hours are available.To meet customer demands, exactly 950 total units must be produced. Customers also demand that at least 400 units of product 4 be produced. What is the solution that maximizes Winoc's sales revenue?
  2. If you wanted to do it manually, i included a screenshot using the direct "enter the basis approach" (utilizing linear algebra) so where you see the ones in the columns among the zeroes is the 'solutions' Z value is on top that is the maximum revenue, find the x1 score of one then read all the way across to find its quantity, etc. You will notice the extra variables (s1, s2, s3) these variables are the slack variables, that is the extra resources that will be left even in the optimal situation. IN this case s1 (the amount of boards will have leftovers) but the other two constraints will be fully exhausted
  3. BMAD

    Guess the Rule

    Yellow barred hexagon to right circle {4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13} nope Does the no apply to all elements? (i.e. to both the rules and the location guesses) And yellow barred hexagon to combo 2/4
  4. BMAD

    Guess the Rule

    Yellow barred hexagon to right circle {4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13} nope Does the no apply to all elements? (i.e. to both the rules and the location guesses) And yellow barred hexagon to combo 2/4 the no only applied to the last part. I don't pass judgement on the 'rules' until all three guesses are made
  5. BMAD

    Guess the Rule

    no, it is either shapes with lines or shapes without lines (solid)
  6. BMAD

    Guess the Rule

    Shadowangel you may want to check post #183 and the response to it.
  7. BMAD

    Guess the Rule

    Yellow barred hexagon to right circle {4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13} nope
  8. I like your answer. It is interesting how in America this problem is solved differently from my home country. I'm intrigued. How do people from your country solve this problem?
  9. How many days does each person contribute to the total project days? Individuals don't contribute to the project's time. A can do a project, alone, in a days, but a does not increase the time of a project. Rather, 1/a contributes to the reciprocal of the project's time. 1/a +1/b+1/c = 1/10, etc. Allow me to rephrase cause I disagree: Including someone on a project and excluding someone else directly affects the amount of days a project takes. So in terms of making a three man team we can determine the day load attributed to each person (as well as rank them by productivity). In terms of proportional pay for effectiveness this is very important as we in manufacturing projects pay individuals incentives based on their individual contribution to group projects. So, by your later question, are you asking for how long each individual would take to complete the project working on his/her own? [edit from here] This would then, of course, make that proportional payment easier, using [actual time]/[individual time] to determine the proportion of total payment each individual should receive. essentially, i am asking how much of the duration is caused by each individual on the three man team if we assume that a person is just as productive no matter who they work with Let a, b, c, and d stand for the fraction of a project that A, B, C, and D can do within each day, respectively. I like your answer. It is interesting how in America this problem is solved differently from my home country.
  10. You don't need to use all just find the optimal solution That's why I just called it "setup"; I ran it with = instead of <=, and that yielded a clearly nonsensical solution, so I included that note. My apologies, sometimes my english isn't the best.
  11. BMAD

    Guess the Rule

    edit: added which circle I'm aiming at.
  12. You don't need to use all just find the optimal solution
  13. Resource Desk Table Chair Availability Lumber 8 board ft 6 board ft 1 board ft 48 board ft Finishing 4 hours 2 hours 1.5 hours 20 hours Carpentry 2 hours 1.5 hours 0.5 hours 8 hours Selling Price $60 $30 $20 Given the constraints listed in terms of time and wood available, how many of each object should be produced to maximize revenue?
  14. How many days does each person contribute to the total project days? Individuals don't contribute to the project's time. A can do a project, alone, in a days, but a does not increase the time of a project. Rather, 1/a contributes to the reciprocal of the project's time. 1/a +1/b+1/c = 1/10, etc. Allow me to rephrase cause I disagree: Including someone on a project and excluding someone else directly affects the amount of days a project takes. So in terms of making a three man team we can determine the day load attributed to each person (as well as rank them by productivity). In terms of proportional pay for effectiveness this is very important as we in manufacturing projects pay individuals incentives based on their individual contribution to group projects. So, by your later question, are you asking for how long each individual would take to complete the project working on his/her own? [edit from here] This would then, of course, make that proportional payment easier, using [actual time]/[individual time] to determine the proportion of total payment each individual should receive. essentially, i am asking how much of the duration is caused by each individual on the three man team if we assume that a person is just as productive no matter who they work with
  15. BMAD

    Guess the Rule

    you can guess for multiple destinations but not multiple shapes
  16. Steelco has received an order for 100 tons of steel. The order must contain at least 3.5 tons of nickel, at most 3 tons of carbon, and exactly 4 tons of manganese. Steelco receives $20/ton for the order. To fill the order, Steelco can combine four alloys, whose chemical composition and cost is given in the table below: Alloy (%) Content 1 2 3 4 Nickel 6 3 2 1 Carbon 3 2 5 6 Manganese 8 3 2 1 Cost/Ton ($) 12 10 8 6 Steelco wants to optimize profit (revenue-costs) obtained from filling the order. How much of each Alloy content type must they produce to achieve optimal profit?
  17. 18,8,21,24 22,24 2,1,1,25, 4,17,25 8 3,8,13,13 13,8,21,24; 18,8,21,24 22,24 3,4,9,24,10, 4,17,25, 8 3,8,13,13 25,8,24. 3,12,4,9 4,22 8? The large punctuation is meant to be maintained when you resolve this cryptogram. The small commas is only meant to separate the numbers they go together as a single word. Like last time, i don't care if you can translate this cryptogram. I want the correct answer in code.
  18. Edit; Also 2, but probably not what you were looking for the answers
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