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Everything posted by BMAD

  1. BMAD

    The investment Game

    I can only assume that flamebird wanted to have a total of 40 of the stock hoty. as purchasing 400 or 40 was not feasible with their current cash levels. This is day 5. Looks like the randomization and the sell off's by the group really impacted the stock values. Thanks for causing a mini-recession guys!!!
  2. I do not have this as optimal
  3. BMAD

    The investment Game

    Day 4 stock prices and projections for day 5 as always projections are only anticipated amounts and don't account for randomness or sells.
  4. [spoiler= ] excellent job in figuring out that you cannot calculate the swimmer's speed but the current can be calculated so what is the current's speed?
  5. a b and c are digits not integers, good idea though. If they were integers there would still be smaller answer then what you have found here. can you find that answer too? I disagree with your first solution (well) since it is undefined, we don't know if the value is defined to mean min or max as it is undefined
  6. i found an error in my calculation using 189/18 = 10.5 oops nice work!
  7. [spoiler= ] excellent job in figuring out that you cannot calculate the swimmer's speed but the current can be calculated
  8. Tommy muttonhead propounds to his teacher the perplexing query: "If five times six were 33, what would the half of 20 be?" The other pupils solved the problem redily, but Tommy could not see how a thing that was not what they said it was had anything to do with something else that is not what they say it is.
  9. Daddy came back from the market. He purchased two hammers. Dad said that the hammer was either $1.50 for one or $2.50 for two but either way the vendor was to make the same profit either way. How is this possible?
  10. BMAD

    Making Ice

    I think one of the problems with this problem is that we are missing the assumption that standard ice trays hold 12 ice cubes
  11. Two players play the following game with a fair coin. Player 1 chooses (and announces) a triplet (HHH, HHT, HTH, HTT, THH, THT, TTH, or TTT) that might result from three successive tosses of the coin. Player 2 then chooses a different triplet. The players toss the coin until one of the two named triplets appears. The triplets may appear in any three consecutive tosses: (1st, 2nd, 3rd), (2nd, 3rd, 4th), and so on. The winner is the player whose triplet appears first. What is the optimal strategy for each player? With best play, who is most likely to win? Suppose the triplets were chosen in secret? What then would be the optimal strategy? What would be the optimal strategy against a randomly selected triplet?
  12. a b and c are digits not integers, good idea though. If they were integers there would still be smaller answer then what you have found here. can you find that answer too?
  13. you are right in that a does not equal to zero but there is still a smaller answer
  14. there is a smaller answer
  15. suppose there is a three digit number M where 100*a + 10*b +1*c = M where a, b, and c are digits What is the minimum value that can be found from M/(a+b+c)?
  16. When Jack went back for a late-night snack, he bought three items off the rack. Zack rang up the snacks and said "5.70, Jack." "Wait, Zack, you multiplied the prices instead of adding!" "Multiply, add; it still comes out the same. Pay up." What were the prices of Jack's three items?
  17. As a swimmer jumps off a small bridge and begins to swim upstream, her swim cap comes off and floats downstream. Ten minutes later she turns around, swimming downstream with the same effort, past her original bridge. At the next bridge, 1000 meters away from the first, she catches the cap. What was the speed of the current? Of the swimmer?
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