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Everything posted by ShadowAngel7

  1. The petroglyphs established a paradigm for calefaction and yawing of a single vehicle within the Googleplex*. *This is treating that last word as referring to Google's campus known as the Googleplex. Below is another sentence using the number, which is actually spelled googolplex. I wasn't sure which you meant. The petroglyphs established a paradigm for calefaction and yawing of a single atom within a group of up to a googolplex.
  2. ShadowAngel7

    Guess the Rule

    Full Rules Guess: In the context of the rules, numbers 1-4 refer to the entire circle; i.e. 1 refers to sections {1, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13} which form a whole circle
  3. ShadowAngel7

    Guess the Rule

    Small barred blue circle to {6, 9, 10, 13}
  4. ShadowAngel7

    Guess the Rule

    Large blue rectangle to Circle 3: {3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13}
  5. ShadowAngel7

    Guess the Rule

    Large unbarred yellow hexagon to right circle {4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13}
  6. Paris ++ London ++ Mila ++ Best Holiday Destination. Either your favorite place to go, or your top of your must-visit-places-before-I-die list. Paris, France - 20 London, UK - 18 Istanbul, Turkey - 16 New York, USA - 16 Milan, Italy - 15 Osaka, Japan - 14 Mumbai, India - 14 Sydney, Australia - 14 Dubai City, UAE - 12 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - 12 Shanghai, China - 12 Cape Town, South Africa - 8 Havana, Cuba - 6 Cairo, Egypt - 6 KNOCK-OUTS 15. Moscow, Russia
  7. Done, you're up in the air....but physics just kicked in and those dragons can't possibly carry your weight so both you and the dragon plummet to the earth. (I mean, come on, they're what, 4-5 feet tall with the same wingspan? No way they can get enough lift for someone to ride them) EDIT: And I wish for the ability to manipulate space/time such that I can teleport or time travel by a coordinated thought, with the inherent ability to ensure that I wind up in the time/location I wish, without risk of arriving mushed into any other solid matter, missing the planet, losing anything necessary (from intestinal bacteria to clothing), or getting my molecules harmfully scrambled.
  8. ShadowAngel7

    Guess the Rule

    Yellow barred hexagon to right circle {4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13} nope Does the no apply to all elements? (i.e. to both the rules and the location guesses) And yellow barred hexagon to combo 2/4
  9. ShadowAngel7

    Guess the Rule

    In the context of the rules, numbers 1-4 refer to the entire circle; i.e. 1 refers to sections {1, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13} which form a whole circle Yellow barred hexagon to right circle {4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13}
  10. ShadowAngel7

    Guess the Rule

    large, red, unbarred triangle to top circle (1, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13)
  11. ShadowAngel7

    Guess the Rule

    Question: the barred triangles have 2 bars, the other shapes have 3; does the number of bars have significance for the rule, or is it simply barred/unbarred?
  12. ShadowAngel7

    Guess the Rule

    small blue triangle, 2 bars, to top circle (1, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13)
  13. ShadowAngel7

    Guess the Rule

    Large blue triangle, 2 bars to top circle (1, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13)
  14. ShadowAngel7

    Guess the Rule

    large yellow triangle, 2 bars to: 1, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 (entire top circle)
  15. You don't need to use all just find the optimal solution That's why I just called it "setup"; I ran it with = instead of <=, and that yielded a clearly nonsensical solution, so I included that note. My apologies, sometimes my english isn't the best. No problem, just clarifying that that wasn't an answer, just providing the initial setup
  16. You don't need to use all just find the optimal solution That's why I just called it "setup"; I ran it with = instead of <=, and that yielded a clearly nonsensical solution, so I included that note.
  17. ShadowAngel7

    Guess the Rule

    Same shape: 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12 (aka that whole left-side circle) edit: added which circle I'm aiming at.
  18. How many days does each person contribute to the total project days? Individuals don't contribute to the project's time. A can do a project, alone, in a days, but a does not increase the time of a project. Rather, 1/a contributes to the reciprocal of the project's time. 1/a +1/b+1/c = 1/10, etc. Allow me to rephrase cause I disagree: Including someone on a project and excluding someone else directly affects the amount of days a project takes. So in terms of making a three man team we can determine the day load attributed to each person (as well as rank them by productivity). In terms of proportional pay for effectiveness this is very important as we in manufacturing projects pay individuals incentives based on their individual contribution to group projects. So, by your later question, are you asking for how long each individual would take to complete the project working on his/her own? [edit from here] This would then, of course, make that proportional payment easier, using [actual time]/[individual time] to determine the proportion of total payment each individual should receive.
  19. ShadowAngel7

    Guess the Rule

    Keeping to large, red, triangle, 2 bars (just re-enumerating traits), try 8. And can I guess for multiple shapes at once?
  20. You asked for something that makes sense - surely the answers that Pickett and I gave are valid. Albeit the fact that Shad's is a tad more poetic. Especially since I wouldn't have even bothered trying to solve it without building off Pickett's and Aaryan's answers; I was sort of "whoa wait what? So lost in the words" looking at the original question.
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