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  1. Wool? I totally understand! (Proud knitter here) Especially an unexpected find or colormatch!
  2. Host: Y-san Roster: 1. BMAD 2. Panther 3. Araver 4. 5. 6. 7. Shad
  3. Free for alls are always the best!
  4. Wait, my weighting was seriously that low? No way....it sure felt closer to OP than underweight....
  5. So it looks like Klarion decided to act today; Dee wasn't even being voted, which suggests kingofpain was a baddie, since why bother changing against a goodie?
  6. Y-san doesn't appear to be here, but officially Day should have ended 26 minutes ago (as of my post time). Hopefully, if you're good, Impulse buys it and is saving you. I am here . Like I mentioned before, expect the Post 30-60 minutes after the end of the Night/Day. (Be up in a minute or so ) I only said "doesn't appear to be here" b/c I didn't see you or room for you on anons at the bottom of the thread No worries, I was just saying it seemed to be too late for him to hope for vote changes.
  7. Y-san doesn't appear to be here, but officially Day should have ended 26 minutes ago (as of my post time). Hopefully, if you're good, Impulse buys it and is saving you.
  8. 1. Aaryan - REMOVED [Vandal Savage] 2. Panther - voting for Flamebirde 3. dee_tot - voting for Kingofpain 4. Kikacat123- voting for Kingofpain 5. Araver - DEAD [?] Killed by "The Light" 6. Vommack - voting for Kingofpain 7. Kingofpain - voting for Flamebirde/Panther 8. Flamebirde - voting for Kingofpain 9. Minesweeper - DEAD [Red Arrow] Lynched 10. MikeD - DEAD [?] Killed by "The Light" 11. ShadowAngel7 - voting for Flamebirde Fixing Panther's colors. Kingofpain, which vote of yours should be counted?
  9. 1. Aaryan - REMOVED [Vandal Savage] 2. Panther 3. dee_tot - voting for Kingofpain 4. Kikacat123- voting for Kingofpain 5. Araver - DEAD [?] Killed by "The Light" 6. Vommack - voting for Kingofpain 7. Kingofpain - voting for Flamebirde/Panther 8. Flamebirde - voting for Kingofpain 9. Minesweeper - DEAD [Red Arrow] Lynched 10. MikeD - DEAD [?] Killed by "The Light" 11. ShadowAngel7 - voting for Flamebirde Editing Kika's as directed.
  10. EDIT: replying to an edited away comment, ignore this!
  11. Day ends in 8 hrs, 13 minutes, Panther. EDIT: also, how long's a bit?
  12. Replies to specific comments in turquoise. 1. Aaryan - REMOVED [Vandal Savage] 2. Panther 3. dee_tot - voting for Kingofpain 4. Kikacat123- voting for Panther 5. Araver - DEAD [?] Killed by "The Light" 6. Vommack - voting for Kingofpain 7. Kingofpain - voting for Panther 8. Flamebirde - voting for Kingofpain 9. Minesweeper - DEAD [Red Arrow] Lynched 10. MikeD - DEAD [?] Killed by "The Light" 11. ShadowAngel7 - voting for Flamebirde
  13. Is your only reason for suspecting flame his/her lying low? Just checking.
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