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Framm 18

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Everything posted by Framm 18

  1. Framm 18

    Ok,I misread it more as an arguement then a debate (I have a habit of misreading things). I can try and answer the questions you have about my beliefs, to the best of my abilities. I also would like to point out a personal pet peeve of mine. Please be careful, when you are talking about Christainity. Catholics, Southern Baptist, Independent Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Calvinist, Mormons, etc... have different beliefs and some of them are critical differences. I have not seen it here, then again I have not read all of the posts, but I have seen it on other sites. Where they will say Christains did this or did that and it is something that applies to only one or two religions.
  2. Framm 18

    I just want to point out that he could have thought that he was in the Titanomachy thread since it has been on the top. He might be a titan, but I am not sure. As for my actions: Onetruth is Artemis Mnemosyne targets GM - Block Typhon targets Onetruth - Block Move to 17 and attack GM
  3. Framm 18

    Baseball Grain Locker Top Bottom Left Right Hoarse Fort
  4. Umm... Slick are you sure you are in the right thread?
  5. Monkey Rabbit Okra Lunchbox Piano Stalagmite Aardvark And just in case you are being tricky. Wasser Madre
  6. Framm 18

    If I am not mistaken we will not get the Atropos-Lakhesis combo tomorrow, since it was last night. I was just throwing out an idea.
  7. Framm 18

    Minute maid is a Coke product.
  8. Framm 18

    I also want to point out that we may need to sacrifice a goodie tomorrow so that we can bring Aphrodite to our side, since she knows who peace is. I think that I might do these still deciding though. Onetruth is Artemis Mnemosyne targets GM - block Typhon targets Onetruth - block
  9. Framm 18

    Could Onetruth be Artemis?
  10. Framm 18

    AI: If I were to move onto the mount olympus space, can I still attack? Do yall think that Onetruth will be attacked tonight? And if so, who will most likely attempt the kill.
  11. Framm 18

    What about the third option? Water. Water taste better than Coke or Pepsi. However if I had to choose then I would go with coke products, mainly Sprite and Minute maid.
  12. Framm 18

    What do yall think of Kody?
  13. Framm 18


    *Chirp* *Chirp* *Chirp* Everyone is so talkative.
  14. Framm 18

    If those two don't get lynched today, we have just wasted a day trying to get rid of inactives, while gaining almost no information. This is why I was against voting for them at the beginning.
  15. Framm 18

    Ok, I only understood part of all that scientific language. It is not even close to my favorite subject (has nothing to do with my religion, just never have cared for it), still better than English though. It may fit with a certain model or idea, but unless someone builds a time machine and goes back to Time Zero, (for lack of a better term) we will never know with 100% certainty. This is probably going to be my last post in this thread. Not because I am admitting defeat, but we could be here an entire lifetime and not change what we think about this subject.
  16. Framm 18

    Here is mine. Zeus can retreat himself and his BTSC allies back to Mount Olympus instead of moving for the night. This can only be done once in the game though.
  17. I did not see the first one. What rsn said.
  18. Green Otter Volunteer Off Leech Steel
  19. Popcorn Doughnuts Carrot Mafia Random Words Are Fun
  20. Framm 18

    Honestly, I cannot answer that. The only answer I can give is that He is and always has been. I know that that is the standard answer that you have no doubt heard millions of times before, but that is the best answer I can give. On the flip side of that coin, where did the first atom/electron,proton,neutron/quark/whatever is smaller than a quark come from? The truth is, we will most likely never know exactly how the universe was created, as it essentially transcends human understanding (until God comes back as I believe or the universe dies out in y'alls case). All we can do is believe what we believe and for those who choose religion, have faith that what we believe in is the truth. (I fully believe that God created the universe, but tried to write this in a non-biased way) @Peace: Not necessarily, they could have still had their same exact atmosphere, just of been in a different place around the Sun.
  21. Framm 18

    If you are talking about the volcano piece it was moved. I think that Hera might be one of the inactives, unless they have missed on both nights, but I find that unlikely, especially after Phaze painted xBeej as a target, unless xBeej was Hera. Sorry Harvey, I couldn't take a chance on killing an Olympian. But thanks for doing the exact same thing that I would have done.
  22. Framm 18

    I would like to point out, even though it will probably make this even more skeptical to ya'll, but it was not two of each animal. It was seven of the clean animals (and the fowl) and two of the unclean animals. My reason for believing in Creation over the Big Bang. Probably In my opinion, take it as you will. To me, just the odds of the Big Bang having placed everything in just a way that this is the only planet in our solar system that is capable of sustaining life (as far as Scientist have confirmed, that I know of) and have been placed in the right orbit around the Sun to not freeze/burn everything on this planet is astronomical at best (imagine being switched with Venus or Mars). It would be like having a tornado pick up all of the wood, nails, concrete, water, shingles, and whatever else is needed to build that house and mixing it up and setting it down in such a way that it builds that house while placing it on a rather flat piece of land. While Creation accounts for all of that above reasoning and plus the world seems like it is ordered in such a way that mere chance could not account for. This is my two cents worth, take it however you want. Odds are high that you will not change how I view this point and it will probably not change how you view this point, but it is my opinion so it won't hurt my feelings if you don't agree. At least this is a more civilized discussion then some of the other message boards (not on BD) turn in to, that I have seen and not participated in. P.S. I apologize if any of that was unclear, writing/trying to explain myself does not come easily for me.
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