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Everything posted by Magic_luver101

  1. is there a way to deleat only some of the mesages in a conversation
  2. when does the night end?
  3. twoKinds is a web comic we are in a top 100 contest help twoKinds out by voting for it. vote here
  4. Host Magic_luver and GMaster479 1. Social Darwin 2. music_luvr95 3. rohit 4. Derrai 5. Limey 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  5. well crap i thought i had longer to put in my vote. Sorry SD!!
  6. night one I was Kidnaped and all the Baddies acted.
  7. Baddies: (have BTSC) Killer: Commits murder every night Peeping Tom: Odd # nights: Spying role, Even # nights: Blocking role Shadow: Old school thief; 1/4 chance to steal a night action away from someone with hidden abilities Goodies CSI: Receives clues and evidence based on questions asked to host; Has BTSC with cop Cop: Interrogates suspects and questions witnesses (kidnapes them and has a 1/3 chance at finding out som thing useful). Has BTSC with CSI Hippy: Crazy, but can get a person high and kidnap them for the night Sheer: Can see into the past and can figure out what a persons role was once they are dead. Has BTSC with Ms. Flower Ms. Flower: Town Gossiper; can influence the lynching by making a vote count for triple or not count at all. Has BTSC with Sheer Magic Player: Believes that the cards hold real creatures, and uses one of the cards abilities once per one day and night (48 hours) Geek: Really smart, can protect someone from all actions against them for one day and night. (not shown in post) Independents: (Have BTSC) Reporter: can make a post in the night post once per night Neighborhood watch: Odd # nights: can block any player of their choosing, can annoy player with a 1/3 chance of redirecting there ability
  8. for sesiond players you miss alot
  9. God I cant deside. I realy hope the baddies are slow I dont want to die. Crazypainter were you in the night post? Edit: I just look you wern't do you want to explain what you did last night?
  10. ok just give me some time to think edit spelling
  11. Im a goodie, there is nothing i can sat to convince you with wout giving ayay my role (wich i find weard because you know that). Ya Eeeep was inactive and for that reason Enders move made sence to me. I am no bugger and I cant get you sick! What else is there to say???
  12. come on people i will work this around other games so none conflict to much
  13. what actions? Edit: tell me what actions i was not eaven mentioned
  14. GC what is you abbilty to be a human magnet? JK It to early but Ender i think jumped the gun what if Eeeeep was good?
  15. i set up a username for mine it is Magic.luver101 so add me!!!!
  16. I have four test tomarow for place ment next year to see if I get houners or AP three of them at lest an hour long and then the Music adutions to see what chars I will hold with what instrements witch I will be tested with at least 3 instrements for Jazz Band and Wind Ensamble and 2 for Octhica. Oh ya the tests start at 6:30 andand then I have adutions at 11:00. Edit Spelling
  17. long long week i goten all of 4.5 hours of sleep in the last three days. But yes i have been trying to it was easer dealing with being naped if i did not read it as much.
  18. Replacement for what?
  19. Is there a way you can find out what post give you a reputation? i have a Reputation of 4 but it says Neutral when does it stop being Neutral?
  20. sence the day is over i dont feel bad posting this lets hope to god Eeeeep is a baddie bet anything he will not die if he is
  21. How do we find out that we have a PM?
  22. Magic_luver101

    Human all the way!
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