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Everything posted by Izzy

  1. Izzy

    I can wait.
  2. Izzy

    But it doesn't work. Because it's not like only a few people can't have sensory interaction with a god, hardly anyone claims to, and those that do are a bit wacky. He asked me how I would describe green to a blind man, and I did. If you explain god to someone, at a decent age, who's never heard of him before, he'll go "Wtf?", and treat it like the Pink Unicorn/FSM/Greek or Roman gods.
  3. Izzy

    I'd tell him that nothing really is 'green'. I'd tell him that the warmth he feels is not only called warmth, but also light, and that it is visible in the sense that it makes other objects visible, i.e., light shines on objects so we can see them. I'd continue by saying that this light is composed of photons, or particles of light, and that different particles have different amounts of energy, with different frequencies, and some objects absorb 'dark' colors and appear 'bright', while visa versa is also true. I'd then elaborate how green just happens to be one of these colors in our spectrum, and that this arbitrary detail isn't really all that important, because nothing really is 'green', it just appears green. Then I'd go into how blue and yellow make green, and green has x amount of energy, and so forth. Just because the blind man cannot see green should not imply that green doesn't exist. Oh god, the typos with no edit time. Fixed for clarifications. <_<
  4. Izzy

    ...I swear to f**king god if some moron tries to bomb the earth to fulfill that stupid prophecy, I'm gonna be pissed.
  5. Izzy

    Keep it that way.
  6. Izzy

    Seems a bit... dangerous, no? Experimental hallucinating > quite real brain delusions.
  7. Izzy

    I believe I've answered that then. Well, not in full detail, 'cos again, *not a neuroscientist*, but enough for you to get the basic gist and hopefully realize that spirits aren't doing it. Haha, I like your accidental creation better.
  8. Izzy

    I'd tell him that nothing really is 'green'. I'd tell him that the warmth he feels is not only called warmth, but also light, and that it is visible in the sense that it makes other objects visible, i.e., light shines on objects so we can see them. I'd continue by saying that this light is composed of photons, or particles of light, and that different particles have different amounts of energy, and some objects light to absorb 'dark' colors and appear 'bright', while visa versa. I'd then elaborate how green just happens to be one of these colors in our spectrum, and that this arbitrary isn't really all that important, because nothing really is 'green', it just appears green. Then I'd go into how blue and yellow make green, and green has x amount of energy, and so forth. Just because the blind man cannot see green should not imply that green doesn't exist.
  9. Izzy

    Now that made me laugh.
  10. Izzy

    Yeah, I know what you mean. "Godless geeks" lmao. Like I said, he doesn't believe they should be worshiped and he doesn't give them much thought in particular, but believes that, if they exist, they are gods in the sense that they are more powerful than us. I dunno, it was confusing when he explained it. I asked him if he was technically atheist then, but he said he wasn't 'cos he believed in gods, just not gods in the sense most people think about gods. This thread is making me want to experiment with hallucinogenics. Tree-things, fairies, sounds surreal and awesome.
  11. Izzy

    I think he just calls them 'devas' to detach them from the religious doctrines 'god' is attached to. Are they synonyms?
  12. Izzy

    Uh-huh. So, basically all fairy tale creatures (may I call them that?) look the way they do in the films?
  13. Izzy

    I wasn't mocking you. What do elves look like? (I'm just a generally curious person.)
  14. Izzy

    You've seen proper fairies and garden gnomes and stuff?
  15. Izzy

    Oh, on the note of higher beings, my friend James presented me with a theory that I'm still a bit uncertain about, but.. it somewhat makes sense? He's not religious, but he believes in gods. These gods aren't gods in an Abrahamic sense, and should not be worshiped or any of that. They don't really even particularly are about us at all. Essentially, they're called 'devas', and are more powerful than life as we know it, but they did not create us, and they don't interfere with us. It was said that they exist in higher dimensions, which is why they're undetected. They have the ability to interfere with human life, but generally don't, because as I said, they don't care about us. Now, I can totally see some higher dimensional being existing. *shrugs* They probably do, but I don't know enough math to begin getting into that properly. Does anyone know any specifics about devas they'd like to share? Relatively certain the word is derived from Hindu?
  16. Izzy

    I'm still pretty confused about free will. I think UR made me sit there and think about it the most with his topic, and I'm sure no one is making me think the way I think, but I still get the feeling it might just be my chemical composition, reacting with itself naturally, and making me do the stuff I do. *waits for neuroscience to advance*
  17. Izzy

    Do they really want to believe in God, or have they been trained to do so?
  18. Izzy

    Heh, sorry. Been doing a bunch of chatting with people vias PMs today. Inbox cleared. *edit* Haha, message received. Awwww.
  19. Izzy

    Umm, in general, Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc. want to be well defined from each other. ;P
  20. Izzy

    IDNE, you have to be my favorite theist alive. I salute you.
  21. Izzy

    Heh, don't be sorry. Thanks.
  22. Izzy

    'Our' as in? *edit* Unless that was meant to say 'your'.
  23. Izzy

    Oi, give credit where credit's due. That was clearly copied and pasted from here, meaning you don't understand the concept enough to explain it yourself, and probably just searched Google for a quick explanation, not able to come up with one on your own. I honestly cba to read through all of that, so I'll just go through the first bit. "Concept and design necessitate an intelligent designer. The presence of intelligent design proves the existence of an intelligent designer." It does not. At the beginning of the time of the universe, the entropy allotted in that amount of space was incredibly high. Disorder and chaos were at their maximum, obviously the opposite of anything that could be considered 'intelligent' design. As time goes on, and the universe expands, order increases because the entropy, though not remaining constant, is spread out over a much greater area. Essentially, room for order > entropy. Eventually, any system that is constantly increasing will become more ordered as time goes on, and since the universe is at least 15 billion years old, there's been plenty of time for order. This order may seem like 'intelligent design', but really, it's just nature doing its thing. I don't believe in gods, ghosts, spirits, reincarnation, or any of that stuff.
  24. *kisses it* What now? :P

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