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Well, here is my second puzzle. It is rather easy but I didn't find it posted (sorry if it's already posted but I'm new to this forum so don't be too hard :thumbsup: )

Three guys go to a dinner a order the same thing.

The waiter says to the guys that the total bill is 30$, so each guy gives 10$ to the waiter.

The waiter comes back and said there was a mistake and returns 5$ to them. They take 1$ each and leaves a 2$ tip to the waiter.

So the guys actually put 9$ each and leave a 2$ tip: (9*3)+2 = 29!!! Where is the missing 1$?

This should not need a hint so I won't put it until someone ask for it

Hope you enjoy it!!

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New to the site as well, but here goes...

Adding $2 to the $27 is nonsensical. The final cost was $25 dollars rather than $30, and thus each paid $9 to the restaurant totalling $27, $25 dollars of which go to the restaurant and $2 of which went to the waiter. The $30 becomes irrelevant after the mistake. Reworking this problem with any numbers other than the 27 and 2 (e.g. a $10 mistake rather than a $5 mistake) makes the issue much clearer.

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