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an odd mathematician and engineer decides to redesign an anolog clock.

it now has 2 periods of 10 hours, each hour is divided into 100 minutes and each minute into 100 seconds.

he starts the clock at midnight.

what would the time of 12:30 pm be on the on the new clock?

if the new clock shows 5:75:75 pm, what would be the time on a normal clock?

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hmm i guess i should have been more specific in the wording.

i ment that it takes two 10 hour periods where the standard clock takes 2 periods of 12.

that is the hour, minute, and second hand rotate at the same speed, but the division of time is different.

under the standard time there are 24*60*60 = 1440*60 = 86400 seconds in a day

under the the new clock, there are 20*100*100 = 200000 seconds in a day

12:30 pm relates to 12*60*60 +30*60 = 43200 +1800 = 45000 seconds,

86400/200000 = 45000/x,

86400*x = 9,000,000,000

x = 104166

so this is equal to 10:41:66 pm

using the same logic, 15*100*100 +75*100 +75 = 150000 +7500 +75 = 157575

86400/200000 = x/157575

68072 = x

6:54:32 pm

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i think everyone else interpreted your question as if they redifined a clock to not fit the day

as I did too until I realized your solution made no sense with the question so i took another look

anyway how everyone else saw it (one or the other)

if redefining a day

first question as if your normal clock showed 12:30 what would the new clock show? anyway by my math I get if it shows 12:30 on the old clock would show as ---- on the new clock

12*60*60+30*60 = 45000seconds into the day which show as

45000%100=0 seconds

(45000/100)%100=50 minutes

(450/100) the integer part=4 hours


now this only applies if they both were started at 0 this day. otherwise as they are not in anywhere near coordinated oscillation

for the other way of if the new clock showed 1230 what would the old one say the new clock showing 1230 mean 123000seconds

meaning 123000%60=0 seconds


2050%60=10 minutes

integer part is 34



these answers are wrong tho mostly on the basis that since the clocks after the start never would mean anything according to each other unless you know the exact starting point (day month year even)

now how i understand your answer is say if

The day from sun up to sun up was set to equal 200000 seconds instead of 86400

meaning it takes the same amount of time your just redefineing the interval you call a second, a minute, and an hour. days stay the same. So it still takes 24 old hours but you are calling them 20 new hours now.

then it is a simple ratio of what an old second equals to a new one

hope this clears things up for people

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