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Hey boys and girls time for another episode of "Simple yet hard" heres your host SimpleNhard. "hello everybody glad to see you all tonight, are you all ready to play a wonderful game of"*audience reply's in unison*"SIMPLE YET HARD" "and now for today's riddles that our righter's have come up with. Now here is your riddles" *picks up 9 flashcards*

#1 I Accompany Life

I move very slowly at an imperceptible rate,

although I take my time I am never late.

I accompany life and survive past demise,

I am viewed with esteem in many womens eyes.What am I?

#2 The Bridge

There is a man standing on a bridge and there is no cars coming and nothing abnormal is happening. he jumps off. why did this man suddenly jump off the bridge

#3 The Prisoner

A prisoner is told If you tell a lie we will hang you; if you tell the truth we will shoot you. What can he say to save himself?

#4 Greed!

A man steals 3 Golden balls from a buddists temple. His only means of escape is to cross a rickety old bridge spanning the river. He can't swim, there are no boats AND he can't throw the balls to the other side bank. The bridge will only carry his weight AND that of 2 GOLDEN BALLS!. How does this man cross the bridge with all his treasure!

#5 Me Chines the baby

Theres a family of 5 a mom, dad, sister, brother and the baby.They're in a plane, but its about to crash, but they only have 4 parashoots so they have to leave somebody, they decide to leave the baby instead.So the family jumps off the plane with the baby behind when the family gets home the see the baby sitting on the couch watching Jerry Spinger.The dad said what are you doing here?

#6 A closet, and a mirror

Your in a room with nothing in it except a closet and a mirror (no windows or no doors.) How do you get out?

#7 Colors

Whats brown on the outside and whitein the inside?

#8 Simply Dangerous!

Take one out and scratch my head,

I am now black, but I was once red

#9 Learn it

I am every person you can know,

and every place that you can go,

I'm everything that you can show.

Quite interesting too what am I that you use?

And now for the BONUS round!!!

!Bonus! To the left of...

To the left of the clergy of backwards discourse,

And to the right of the fortress sits the knight and his horse,

His duty bound to protect his majesty and Queen,

And though his path is straight he always lands in between. What is he?

We'll be right back after messages from BrainDen...

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And we're back Sorry for waiting, got caught up with homework, and now for the answers

#1 I Accompany Life


#2 The Bridge

Bungee Jumping

#3 The Prisoner

You will hang me

#4 Greed!

He juggles the balls only one stays in the air why two in his hands

#5 Me Chines the baby

The baby said:Me chines me no dum me hold on to daddys bum dad go Booom me go Zooom thats how me got here so soon.

#6 A closet, and a mirror

you look in the mirror you see what you saw you take the saw you cut the wardrobe in half 2 halves make a hole you crawl the the hole.

#7 Colors

the sun ROSE and the wind BLUE

#8 Simply Dangerous!

A match

#9 Learn it

A noun

!Bonus! To the left of...

A chess Knight

I was thinking up some new riddles up next SYH4 see you there :thumbsup:

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