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ABR 4-2 is done now and so I decided to go ahead and post the sign-up/game thread for Kingdom Hearts Mafia. There is a very large roster but this one should be much simpler than FFB since there are no longer magic and summons to worry about. There are 22 slots for this game but the player list can be modified as needed if enough players don't sign up. The start date is whenever enough people have signed up...Unless someone has a suggested date to start (Since I know that Christmas holidays are just around the corner). But here's the current character roster (As per the usual, you do not have to have any knowledge of the actual subject to play):


The Darkness: Wins by killing all the Light and Organization XIII. Has BTSC.

Maleficent: Dark mistress of evil, bent on ruling the worlds and claiming Kingdom Hearts as her own.

Ability: Can revive any Darkness member on the night that they are killed. Maleficent cannot revive anyone who has been lynched.

Defense: Two; Can call upon a Heartless to sacrifice itself for her.

Weakness: Arrogance – If attack fails, Maleficent has a 25% chance to accidentally reveal her identity to her target

Has 75% chance to kill on attack.

Pete: Malecifent’s assistant. He owes a debt to her for releasing him from the dimension in which King Mickey banished him. Is normally clumsy and stupid and gets angry quickly.

Ability: If attack fails, Pete can summon a Heartless which has a 25% chance of discovering his target’s identity.

Defense: Two; Can summon a Heartless to sacrifice itself for him.

Weakness: Stupidity – If attack and ability both fail, Pete has a 75% chance to reveal his identity.

Has 50% chance to kill on attack.

Xehanort: A Heartless which believes all hearts originate from darkness. Wants to open Kingdom Hearts and gain its power.

Ability: Only once, instead of attacking, Xehanort can study in the Hollow Bastion castle to increase his chance to kill on attack by 25% for the duration of the game. Xehanort cannot be killed during this time, but will be interrupted if targetted. If interrupted, the ability cannot be used again.

Defense: Two; Can shroud himself in darkness to hide himself from the enemy or can summon a Heartless to sacrifice itself for him.

Weakness: Split personality – If Xehanort and Xemnas are in the same zone at once, their attacks and defenses are canceled.

Has 50% chance to kill on attack.

Jafar: The royal vizier of Agrabah. Jafar is unprincipled and ruthless in pursuit of his aims. Now he's using the Heartless to try to take over the city.

Ability: Instead of attacking, any night, but not 2 in a row, Jafar may use his snake-head staff to hypnotize a player and controls their night actions.

Defense: Two; Can teleport away from an attack or can use his staff to cast a blinding light to blind the opponent and escape.

Weakness: Arrogance - If his attack fails, he has a 50% chance of revealing his identity to his target.

Has 50% chance to kill.

Hades: Lord of the Underworld. The last time Sora and his friends tangled with Hades, he was using the Heartless to try to take over the world. Together with Hercules, the three friends put a stop to his plans. But Hades is as evil as ever, and won't rest until he sends Hercules to the Underworld- for eternity.

Ability: If his attack fails, he will become enraged and his attack the next night will have an increased chance to kill. (+25%)

Defense: Two; Can teleport away from an attack.

Weakness: Anger - If his attack fails he has a 50% chance of revealing his identity.

Has 50% chance to kill on attack.

Sephiroth: The One-Winged Angel. He claims to be the darkness in Cloud’s heart and vows to defeat Cloud.

Ability: Can negate the ability of any player that would reveal his identity.

Defense: Two; Can cast a blinding light to blind the opponent and escape or can teleport away from an attack.

Weakness: Fear of the Light – Looses 25% chance to kill when attacking one of The Light.

Has 75% chance to kill on attack.

Organization XIII: Win by killing all the Light and Darkness. Has BTSC.

Xemnas: A Nobody created from the shell left after Xehanort became a Heartless. His ambition is to use the new Kingdom Hearts to make all Nobodies human.

Ability: Can revive any Organization member on the night that they are killed. Xemnas cannot revive anyone who has been lynched.

Defense: Two; Can summon a Nobody to sacrifice itself for him or can teleport away from an attack.

Weakness: Split personality - If Xehanort and Xemnas are in the same zone at once, their attacks and defenses are canceled.

Has 75% chance to kill on attack.

Saïx: A Nobody who follows Xemnas’s wishes. He normally has a calm, cool demeanor which belies his true aggressive nature.

Ability: Instead of attacking, Saïx can call upon the power the moon to increase his chance to kill by 25% the next night. The night after the increased attack, Saïx cannot use this ability.

Defense: Two; Can defend an attack with his Moon Scepter or can cast a blinding light to blind the opponent and escape.

Weakness: Close Combat – When Saïx attacks, he has a 25% chance of revealing his identity. This weakness is negated when attacking with Saïx’s ability.

Has 50% chance to kill on attack.

Luxord: A Nobody who follows Xemnas’s wishes. He loves to gamble and play card games.

Ability: If his attack fails, the target will be presented with a riddle. If the opponent answers the riddle correctly, they can go free. If they answer incorrectly, they cannot act the next night.

Defense: Two; Can transform into a playing card and hide from sight.

Weakness: Worthless Gamble – If his ability fails (The player answers the riddle correctly), Luxord cannot take action the following night.

Has 50% chance to kill on attack.

Xigbar: A Nobody who follows Xemnas’s wishes. He uses two long range gun-like weapons to attack his opponents. He has a rather flamboyant and annoying attitude. Knows who Xemnas is.

Ability: Any night but not 2 nights in a row, Xigbar can choose to increase his chance to kill on attack by 25%.

Defense: Two; Xigbar can teleport away from an attack.

Weakness: Bad Shot – If Xigbar uses his ability and his attack fails, his identity will be revealed to the target.

Has 50% chance to kill on attack.

Xaldin: A Nobody who follows Xemnas’s wishes. He can control wind currents and uses them to manipulate 6 spears which he uses to attack and defend. Knows who Xemnas is.

Ability: When Xaldin attacks, he has a 25% chance to break a defense (if one is being used.) In that case, his chance to kill remains the same.

Defense: Two; Xaldin can defend an attack with his wind spears.

Weakness: Reckless Attack – If Xaldin’s attack fails, there is a 25% chance his identity will be revealed to the target.

Has 50% chance to kill on attack.

Demyx: A Nobody who follows Xemnas’s wishes. He controls water with a magic sitar. He can use his powers to form water creatures shaped like musical notes. He has a whiny personality. Knows who Xemnas is.

Ability: If his attack fails, the target will be presented with a riddle. If the opponent answers the riddle correctly, they can go free. If they answer incorrectly, they cannot act the next night.

Defense: Two; can summon a water creature to sacrifice itself for him.

Weakness: Dead Music – If Demyx’s ability fails (The player answers the riddle correctly), his identity will be revealed to the opponent.

Has 50% chance to kill on attack.

Independent: Axel can side with either the Organization or The Light. He wins by the same conditions as whatever group he chooses. (If he sides with the Light, he gains BTSC with Roxas and Namine.) If Axel chooses not to join either side or is denied, he wins if he and Roxas are the only players left.

Axel: A Nobody who has defected from Organization XIII. He wishes to save his friend, Roxas.

Ability: When Axel attacks, he has a 25% chance to break a defense (if one is being used.) In that case, his chance to kill remains the same.

Defense: Two; Can defend an attack with his chakram.

Weakness: Reluctance – Axel looses 25% chance to kill when attacking one of The Light.

Has 50% chance to kill on attack.

The Light: Win by killing all of the Darkness and Organization XIII.

King Mickey: The King of Disney Castle who has much knowledge of the worlds and their alignment. Found the Dark World’s Keyblade.

Ability: Instead of attacking, any night but not 2 nights in a row, King Mickey can select one player and learn their identity.

Defense: Two; Can defend an attack with his Keyblade or can use magic to create a blinding light to blind the opponent and escape.

Weakness: Sorrow of Death – If Donald or Goofy are killed, Mickey’s action for the following night is cancelled.

Has 75% chance to kill on attack.

Sora: Long-time friend of Riku and Kairi. Found the Keyblade and saved his friends with its power. He now fights to save all of the worlds.

Has BTSC with Riku and Kairi.

Ability: When Sora attacks, he has a 25% chance to break a defense (if one is being used.) In that case, his chance to kill remains the same.

Defense: Two; Can defend an attack with his Keyblade or can use magic to create a blinding light to blind the opponent and escape.

Weakness: Anti-Form – If Sora’s attack fails, there is a 25% chance for Sora to transform into Anti-Form and attack a random player.

Has 50% chance to kill on attack.

Kairi: Long-time friend of Sora and Riku. Was kidnapped by Xehanort shortly before Sora found his Keyblade. Sora’s and Kairi’s destinies are intertwined. Has BTSC with Sora and Riku.

Ability: Can revive any player on the night that they are killed. Kairi cannot revive anyone who has been lynched.

Ability: Each night, instead of attacking, she may save any player. (She cannot save herself.)

Defense: Two; Can hide away in the Special Place on the Destiny Islands where she cannot be found.

Weakness: Sorrow of Death – If Sora or Riku are killed, Kairi’s action for the following night is cancelled.

Has 25% chance to kill on attack.

Riku: Long-time friend of Sora and Kairi. Riku embraced the darkness that devoured their island and was almost taken over by Xehanort. Riku sacrificed his body to obtain dark power to help fight Organization XIII. He was returned to normal in the explosion from Ansem’s device but has returned to this form because of Maleficent. Wields the Way to the Dawn Keyblade. Has BTSC with Sora and Kairi.

Ability: If any player uses an ability to discover Riku’s identity, there is a 50% chance they may discover Xehanort’s identity in his place. The player using the ability will not know which identity they have gotten.

Defense: Two; Can defend an attack with his Keyblade or can teleport away from an attack.

Weakness: Split Personality - If Riku targets Xehanort, his attack will fail.

Has 75% chance to kill on attack.

Donald: Court magician in Disney Castle. Uses powerful magic to attack his opponents and heal his comrades. Has BTSC with Goofy.

Ability: Donald can revive any player on the night that they are killed. Donald cannot revive anyone who has been lynched.

Defense: Two; Can cast Aeroga to protect himself or can use his magic to cast a blinding light to blind his opponent and escape.

Weakness: Sympathy – If Goofy is killed, Donald’s action for the following night is cancelled.

Has 50% chance to kill on attack.

Goofy: Royal Knight of Disney Castle. Goofy is usually lazy, but is brave when his friends are in need. Uses a shield as a weapon. Has BTSC with Donald.

Ability: Any night, but not 2 in a row, he may choose one player and help them with their attack. This, of course, only works if the player is attacking. If so, then the player will be able to break defenses if they player's attack target is defending. If the player's attack target is not defending, the player's kill chance will increase by 25%.

Defense: Two; Can defend an attack with his shield or can go to his room at Disney Castle and fall asleep where he cannot be found.

Weakness: Sympathy – If Donald is killed, Goofy's action for the following night is cancelled.

Has 50% chance to kill on attack

Roxas: The Nobody that was created when Sora was turned temporarily into a Heartless. Because the transformation was temporary, Roxas has a different personality from most Nobodies. Roxas originally joined Organization XIII, but left to Sora. Because he was made from Sora’s heart, he wields a Keyblade, but Roxas has the ability to wield two Keyblades at once, giving him an extra chance to attack. Has BTSC with Naminé.

Ability: If his attack fails, Roxas has a 25% chance to kill his opponent anyway. This ability does not affect a target using a defense.

Defense: Two; Can defend the attack with his Keyblades or can have a nobody die for him.

Weakness: Miss-attack – Is Roxas fails on both of his attacks, his identity will be revealed to the target.

Has 75% chance to kill on attack.

Naminé: The Nobody created when Kairi’s heart was taken. Kairi was never turned into a Heartless, meaning Naminé could use special powers that no other Nobodies could. Has BTSC with Roxas.

Ability: Naminé can revive any player on the night that they are killed. Naminé cannot revive anyone who has been lynched.

Defense: Three; Can hide herself away in room to draw pictures or can have a nobody die for her or can cast a blinding light to blind the opponent and escape.

Weakness: Empathy – Cannot attack. (Which is the reason she has 3 defenses)

Cloud: A wandering warrior whose only aim is to destroy Sephiroth, who embodies the darkness in Cloud’s heart. Cloud wields a large sword.

Ability: When Cloud attacks, he has a 25% chance to break a defense (if one is being used.) In that case, his chance to kill remains the same.

Defense: Two; Can defend an attack with his sword or can disappear from the scene, drifting away, searching for Sephiroth during which time he cannot be found.

Weakness: Fear of the Darkness – Looses 25% chance to kill when attacking one of The Darkness.

Has 75% chance to kill on attack.


Abilities - Some are automatic and some must be activated by the player as part of their night action which should be evident.

Reviving - Before the night post, I will send each respective sides reviver a list of those on their side that died and they will choose 1 player from that list to revive.

Riddles - Since I suck at making up riddles, riddles will be done in Green Glass Door form (Check GGD posts for more information). You will be given a list of correct words and incorrect words and you will need to figure out what the correct words have in common.

Axel: On night 1 he will PM me a side to join which will be noted in the night 1 post. The members of the side he would like to join will then need to PM me Yes or No to whether you'd like him to join.

Cancelled Actions: Action cancels will only be pointed if it's cancelled because of an ability. It will not be mentioned if the action was cancelled because of a death (Such as with Mickey, Donald, Goofy, etc.)

Attack reductions: Attack reductions will also not be pointed out during the night post.

Role Revealing: If you reveal your role...There WILL be consequences! This can range from taking away your ability for a set amount of nights to being unable to act completely. It does not matter if you are telling the truth or not about your role.

Days/Nights will be 24 hours. As with FFB, leniancy will be given for the first day and night only.

I hope I have all the information you'll need. If you have ANY questions, feel free to ask. Here's the current sign-up list:

1. Kathleen

2. dms172

3. RainThinker

4. Firebird766

5. grey cells

6. Sparanda

7. star_tiger

8. FIF















Edited by bonanova
Change Kairi's Ability per request of topic owner
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Minor change: I thought about it and instead of having 2 revive roles on the good side I'm going to change Kairi slightly. Instead of reviving, she can save any player instead of attacking and she may use this every night if she wishes but she cannot use this ability on herself. So Kairi now reads as follows:

Kairi: Long-time friend of Sora and Riku. Was kidnapped by Xehanort shortly before Sora found his Keyblade. Sora’s and Kairi’s destinies are intertwined. Has BTSC with Sora and Riku.

Ability: Each night, instead of attacking, she may save any player. (She cannot save herself.)

Defense: Two; Can hide away in the Special Place on the Destiny Islands where she cannot be found.

Weakness: Sorrow of Death – If Sora or Riku are killed, Kairi’s action for the following night is cancelled.

Has 25% chance to kill on attack.

Edited by Prince_Marth85
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Wow I just realized (after Impervious pointed it out) that before I made the change to Kairi, I actually had 3 revive roles on the good side (Kairi, Namine, and Donald) :o I guess it was good I changed Kairi after all...But now I may have to make another modification...Hmmm... <_<

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  Prince_Marth85 said:
Wow I just realized (after Impervious pointed it out) that before I made the change to Kairi, I actually had 3 revive roles on the good side (Kairi, Namine, and Donald) :o I guess it was good I changed Kairi after all...But now I may have to make another modification...Hmmm... <_<

Good thing you noticed that now and not in the middle of the game...is it usual for hosts to notice countless flaws mid-game? Cause I noticed a lot -_-


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I think I may do this similar to what Reaymond's doing with his SWM topic and create a new topic for the actual game and leave this one for any questions or clarification that's needed (And so if I decide to make any changes I won't have to bother the Mods again to edit a post since I may have to change Donald so there's only 1 revive role per team.) Speaking of Donald, anyone have any ideas for an ability for him? Or I could leave it as is since the other teams have full BTSC while the Light only has BTSC between certain characters...?

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  Prince_Marth85 said:
I think I may do this similar to what Reaymond's doing with his SWM topic and create a new topic for the actual game and leave this one for any questions or clarification that's needed (And so if I decide to make any changes I won't have to bother the Mods again to edit a post since I may have to change Donald so there's only 1 revive role per team.) Speaking of Donald, anyone have any ideas for an ability for him? Or I could leave it as is since the other teams have full BTSC while the Light only has BTSC between certain characters...?

Perhaps a magic attack that has a special effect...perhaps revealing the enemy's identity or canceling their action.

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  Sparanda said:
Perhaps a magic attack that has a special effect...perhaps revealing the enemy's identity or canceling their action.

Hmmm...Stop magic would work perfectly for that...So that could be his ability, using stop magic to cancel a persons night actions that night.

So unless someone has any other ideas or maybe even still wants to keep his revive ability here is what I'm thinking:

Ability: Each night but not 2 in a row, instead of attacking, Donald may cast Stop on a player, canceling their night action for that night.

Edited by Prince_Marth85
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  Prince_Marth85 said:
Hmmm...Stop magic would work perfectly for that...So that could be his ability, using stop magic to cancel a persons night actions that night.

So unless someone has any other ideas or maybe even still wants to keep his revive ability here is what I'm thinking:

Ability: Each night but not 2 in a row, instead of attacking, Donald may cast Stop on a player, canceling their night action for that night.

Wow, more changes? :P Umm...if it's not too much trouble (you don't have to do this), but can you post a final copy of all the character descriptions in this thread? :D

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I agree with ST it would help, but you dont have too.

and sorry for going off topic but that the stop reminded me... i got the new kingdom hearts re:Chain of memories and the lethal flame is best atack ever. Enemy stops moving and you do 5% less then a full boss bar of damage... the whole game is awsome...

back on topic... I have a question on axel... if roxas dies can he still win if independent... because it says Roxas and him are the only people left... what if Roxas dies before then.

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Hadn't taken that into consideration but I guess that if he doesn't join a side or gets denied, if Roxas dies before he does then he will be unable to fulfill his win condition and will be out of the game. Which is why he'll want to join a side and will hope he's accepted by that side (Don't see why he'd be denied though since gaining an ally always helps.)

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Finally it's almost time! I'm getting impatient to start hosting this game since there are none going on right now and I can't access Incognito from work

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  Kathleen said:
Stop spamming Liam ;) When does this start again? I'm wondering how many things I will be playing at once...around exam time...oops o.O


And you made a double post XD (No wonder you have such a high post count! ;) )

And it starts Jan 5th. (Though I still need one more person...But I'll take one character out if I need to)

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  Prince_Marth85 said:
And you made a double post XD (No wonder you have such a high post count! ;) )

And it starts Jan 5th. (Though I still need one more person...But I'll take one character out if I need to)

ooh i'll play two characters :P

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  Prince_Marth85 said:
And you made a double post XD (No wonder you have such a high post count! ;) )

And it starts Jan 5th. (Though I still need one more person...But I'll take one character out if I need to)

Erm...o.O I'd better recheck my schedule...I might have to drop out of something...:unsure: I've got about three mafias going on during exams...UH OH o.O


Edit: But don't worry Marth, I want to stay in this one :D

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  Kathleen said:
Erm...o.O I'd better recheck my schedule...I might have to drop out of something...:unsure: I've got about three mafias going on during exams...UH OH o.O


maybe not, x-men's roster still hasnt filled up

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