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This one is relevant to the season, and since my last one was solved in the first post (you know who you are), I decided it was time to step it up a bit....

I am presented as Român

Alternatively, look to the 99% language of a country

One meaning is undead

I am associated with carrying diseases

Supposedly atypical medical word

I can fly away in an instant

One of my definite forms can be translated to the devil

If you look hard enough (well you don't really need to look that hard), I have already given you a hint in this post....and if you find the common word for this, synonymise it.

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24 answers to this question

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well since its autumn for me, should be spring time for u right?

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wehn u say translated into devil, does that mean that devil is an anagram?

dont really have any answers thou atm... :P

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  B3NJ4MIN said:
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On the right track

  FitzKaos said:

Well yes it is spring, but no.

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wehn u say translated into devil, does that mean that devil is an anagram?

No. I meant it literally.

dont really have any answers thou atm... :P

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well since its autumn for me, should be spring time for u right?

  Gambit said:

I'm probably way off here... <_<

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verse 1: Vatican

verse 2: Aedes Aegypti

Verse 3: Vampire

No, no, on the right track. I just sort of categorised it

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  Supandi said:
Is it by any chance

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  Gambit said:
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A Vampire Bat?

Dont know if there's a particular season that they come out though...

I think you're still falling for the season trick, however you're not any closer to the answer, even though that is very close (I'm trying not to be too giving with hints cause I actually want this to last past a few posts, unlike *ahem* my other riddle)....and I just realised how easy I made it, so I'm not expecting it to last much longer, or as long as I could/should have made it.

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  runder_1111 said:
This one is relevant to the season, and since my last one was solved in the first post (you know who you are), I decided it was time to step it up a bit....

I am presented as Român

Alternatively, look to the 99% language of a country

One meaning is undead

I am associated with carrying diseases

Supposedly atypical medical word

I can fly away in an instant

One of my definite forms can be translated to the devil

If you look hard enough (well you don't really need to look that hard), I have already given you a hint in this post....and if you find the common word for this, synonymise it.

Ok I'm out of ideas. looks like this one is going to last much longer than your last riddle

Does it have anything to do with

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Christmas or Halloween?


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  Gambit said:
Ok I'm out of ideas. looks like this one is going to last much longer than your last riddle

Does it have anything to do with

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Christmas or Halloween?


Well I see you finally got the season thing lol. I'm trying to think of a hint that won't make it even easier. Believe me, I've already given away too much. I just hope no one picks up on it too soon.

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  Gambit said:
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halloween costumes?

No. How does that fit in with a medical word. Don't take it as one line means a word. That's not the way I meant it. Each line will tell you something about it.

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  Supandi said:
PMed you the answer. :)

Lets see how long it lasts unanswered here.

Arrgh. I'll make it a lot harder next time. I think I got a new idea for a different type of riddle so we'll see how that pans out ;) . Will be a few days, but anyways lets see how long this lasts. I came across the word while reading about how bats evolved to live off blood alone. Interesting.....

  SarahJhane said:
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Vlad Tepes?

Pernicious Anemia?


Na ah.

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  TommyGuns said:
Never would have guessed. That is also the name of an old vampire movie, back in the black and white silent film days. Real creepy if you're into that kind of stuff.

And creepy if your not in to it - see also Vlad IV (Vlad the impailer) who sent home geverment officials with their hats nailed to their heads - I think. 15th century Transylvaninan, son of Vlad Dracul.

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