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I didn't think this one through that well and it doesn't rhyme at all. I'll make a proper one tomorrow maybe. This riddle is a special request from SarahJhane. Making more than one riddle a day doesn't keep the doctor away. Pretty lame, yes I know.

Ordered to eliminate,

There through the crusades.

I’m not well known

but I’m named after a man.

Edited by runder_1111
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edit: woopss... that would have been me :blush: :blush:

Hasan-i Sabbah

according to wiki, the word Assassins originated from the Hashshashin

That's what we said before. The answer was named after him. So far we have assassins, which originates from his name, but more importantly, there is something else named after him, which does involve the word assassins. The whole answer is in the first line of the riddle. Sure its on that page, according to wiki, but there are only 4 words in the first line. I think that would be easier, and you're funny Fitzy. And no this has nothing to do with drugs, although it is interesting this is where they derived the word hashish

Edited by runder_1111
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assassin order?!

No way. Could it be? Could someone have finally got the answer? Yes! That's pretty much it, though its called the Order of Assassins.

edit:yea Fitzy got it too, but Sarah got it first.

Edited by runder_1111
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edit:yea Fitzy got it too, but Sarah got it first.

No way. Could it be? Could someone have finally got the answer? Yes! That's pretty much it, though its called the Order of Assassins.

lol! lol! weeeee!!! *crowd applaused!

runder, you surely made me inloved to you from this moment!

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ok I'm stumped... btw Runder, have you played Assassins Creed? I think you'll enjoy it...

edit: "order of Assasins". I should of known that...

lol, I've never played that game before. I would play it, but I haven't played XBOX in ages. It looks like a good game in the commercials. I still wouldn't buy it though. I'm just glad this riddle has finally been put to rest.

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