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Mind Trap #276 - Murder


Shadow opened the door to Dr. Adam Apple's office and serveyed the scene. Dr Apple's head lay on his desk surrounded by a pool of blood. On the floor to his right lay a small hand gun. There were powder burns on his right temple indicating that he was shot at close range. On his desk was a suicide note, and his right hand held a pen that had written it. Shadow recorded the time as 3:30pm., and ascertained that death had occured within the past hour. As Shadow was gathering clues, Dr. Apple's wife burst into the office and screamed, "Good lord, my husband's been shot!" She ran towards him, saw the note and cried, "Why would he want to kill himself?"

"This was no suicide," said Shadow, "this was clearly a case of murder." How does he know?

Yes/No question allowed, however not twice in a row.

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I believe the answer is:

The pen was in his right hand - after he'd fired the gun from his right hand? Someone must have put it there after.

I like these. Keep 'em coming!

Congradulations, thats two out of two so far. Keep up the good work.. My internet has expired, so might not beable to post too many more for a week or two to I get it unexpired.. It took me about 5minutes to load this reply box, how on earth am I going to be able to play mafia like that ..

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