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Brain Den Co. is going to hire a new office boy and an interview session is carried out for this post.

You attend the interview and the interviewer gives you a test. There are 4 parcels on the desk. You need to pass the right parcels to the right person in an office. There is no name written on any of these parcels besides some descriptions as such:

Parcel A:	Focusing on Everlasting Primary Colors 

Parcel B: Consistently Leading in 5 Consecutive Months

Parcel C: 1st Choice if You Looking for Calcium, Healthy Fruit and Protein

Parcel D: It Takes Time as It Is a Little Bit Messy, but You Will Get It At Last.[/codebox]

“Those descriptions are the only hint you have." said the interviewer. " You got to figure out whom you want to pass each of them to. This is normally happens here where we need to use our brain very hard sometimes to figure out what means what, even you work as an office boy. If your thinking is right and you will able to pass the right parcels to the right person, and you will be hired!”

So you take all 4 parcels and walk into the office where the interviewer instructs you to go.

You are now in the office. There are 4 desks with 4 different persons sitting on their seat. You see a nameplate on each desk: Henry, Jason, May and Ned.

So, each parcel belongs to whom in order to make you hired?

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I still don't get it. But I was thinking along the lines of:

Something to do with units of time such as:

Hour Evening Night ? Year

or even

? ? ? houR daY

But none of it makes logical sense.

I will say

you are almost there, but not totally yet. Hope you can see it at last. :)

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Ok, think I got it, but you're right - very messy.






Quite close but not really there, decide to give you another hint:

Do you know there is a term used for 10 years period? :)


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