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Imagine a room with the dimensions of 6.9m by 14.2m. The ceiling is 6m high. There are two windows with dimensions of 2m by 2.2m.

Imagine you are in the exact centre of the room and then imagine that there are eight men all with guns pointing at you.

Imagine you go on and play a game of Russian Roullete. Imagine you are told that one of the eight guns has a bullet, whilst the other seven have blanks. Imagine a second person comes and joins you in the middle. You have to now pick which gun shoots at you and then the second person does the same thing. Whoever gets shot with the live bullet dies, as you would expect.

But there is a TWIST. IF the person to be shot at believes the gun has a live bullet he can forfeit. In forfeiting the game the person has to give all their possesions (family, house, job etc) to the other person.

You have to decide who goes first.

a) Should you go first or second.

b) Is there a logical method of working out which one has the bullet

c) How can you GUARANTEE that you walk away with everything.

Clue: The answer is obvious when you think about the setup clearly.

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you go first. the other person is standing in the middle with you. The gunmen are standing in a circle around you. You go first and pick the gun that puts the second person between you and the gun. that way if you chose the gun with the bullet it hits the other person.???????????????????

Nope the gun that is fired is aimed at the picker and only the picker.

Think, how is the only way you can get someone to forfeit......

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Nope the gun that is fired is aimed at the picker and only the picker.

Think, how is the only way you can get someone to forfeit......

URG! This is killin me. I really need to get back to work.

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I've got it (hope I'm first...)!!!
You make a deal with the other guy so that you return his stuff back or vice- versa

No the second guy could be anyone and this would still work.

It is a trick by you though.....

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I've got it (hope I'm first...)!!!
You make a deal with the other guy so that you return his stuff back or vice- versa

I like this - clever answer - right or wrong :)

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I changed this riddle from one that involved picking 10 eggs out of a bag, but one of them is the golden egg. The idea here is not to pick out the golden egg.

The principle is exactly the same

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I like this - clever answer - right or wrong :)

It is wrong. There are no deals made between the two people in the middle. Think of what exactly you have been told and what are the facts. This is what will lead you to the answer.

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the other guy has to choose first, but i'm not sure what the benefits are if he doesnt die. and i'm not sure the dimensions of the room have any signifigance

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You are never in any danger because you are supposed to IMAGINE the whole situation

No, as i have said before the word imagine is not important.

Okay for those who want to know the answer for a) is in the spoiler below;

You go first

Another clue:

How can you guarantee that you will win on what is essentially a 50:50 chance when it comes down to the last two. By going first you will win every single time with the same setup

Distinguish between what you know and what you've been told

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Imagine you go on and play a game of Russian Roullete. Imagine you are told that one of the eight guns has a bullet, whilst the other seven have blanks.

you go on and play a game, and THEN the other guy enters, so haven't u already played? and you are told one of the eight guns has a bullet,

your told WHICH one has the bullet?

then again, that doesnt MAKE the other person forfeit, but the only way to make the other person forfeit is to convince them they're going to die, and to do that there either has to be only one gun left with no one shot or u have to trick them into thinking they're gonna die.


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if u go first, and it comes down to the last two (without either of u being shot which is against the odd's in itself) then u have a 50% chance that u dont die, and the other person knows they're gonna die so they forfeit, but then again u have a 50% chance u WILL die, which, if this was reality, isn't a good percentage. so i'm still not sure

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Is it.....

There is no way that either of you know which gun has the bullet, so you opt to go first and then forfeit the game giving the other guy all your possessions.

Now it is his turn and, as before, he has no clue as to which gun has the bullet either, so he too forfeits the game, handing everything back to you (including all his worldly possessions)

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Answer posted below (you might not like it though)

The key is that you are "told" that there are 7 blanks and one bullet. You actually know there are no bullets. You see the key is that the second person comes in after you.

By knowing that there are only blanks then you go first. WHEN the other guy gets down to the last gun, believing it is a real bullet then he will forfeit, believing he will die otherwise.

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Answer posted below (you might not like it though)

The key is that you are "told" that there are 7 blanks and one bullet. You actually know there are no bullets. You see the key is that the second person comes in after you.

By knowing that there are only blanks then you go first. WHEN the other guy gets down to the last gun, believing it is a real bullet then he will forfeit, believing he will die otherwise.

Yeah, you're right. At least I don't like it...

HOW are we supposed to KNOW that they are ALL blanks. Just because the other guy comes in after, doesn't mean that we know that they are all blanks. We are supposed to be able to figure this stuff out with the information given. You can't just say at the end... "Well, you KNOW this and this" when that piece of information was never given!!!

Edited by Big Red
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Yeah, you're right. At least I don't like it...

We are supposed to be able to figure this stuff out with the information given. You can't just say at the end... "Well, you KNOW this and this" when that piece of information was never given!!!

There is nothing in the riddle that indicates (or even implies) that there are no bullets. Did you leave something out??

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Answer posted below (you might not like it though)

The key is that you are "told" that there are 7 blanks and one bullet. You actually know there are no bullets. You see the key is that the second person comes in after you.

By knowing that there are only blanks then you go first. WHEN the other guy gets down to the last gun, believing it is a real bullet then he will forfeit, believing he will die otherwise.

This is not a language riddle.

This is a "neglect to give you the pertinent information, and you must make one rather excessive assumption" riddle.

I mean, really, people even tried making assumptions, but they were "wrong" for not making the assumption the "riddle" writer assumed they would make. That just doesn't seem right.

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