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Outside a saloon there is a wooden post, and on it is a rope that measures two metres long. A cowboy on his horse comes by for a drink, so he dismounts his horse and ties the rope to the horse's bridle (which is on the horses head as it should be, with all straps done up properly, etc).

When the cowboy comes back out after his drink, he finds his horse eating hay from a bale which is five metres from the wooden post. How comes? :huh:

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Outside a saloon there is a wooden post, and on it is a rope that measures two metres long. A cowboy on his horse comes by for a drink, so he dismounts his horse and ties the rope to the horse's bridle (which is on the horses head as it should be, with all straps done up properly, etc).

When the cowboy comes back out after his drink, he finds his horse eating hay from a bale which is five metres from the wooden post. How comes? :huh:

He should have remembered to tie the rope to the fence, as well

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Outside a saloon there is a wooden post, and on it is a rope that measures two metres long. A cowboy on his horse comes by for a drink, so he dismounts his horse and ties the rope to the horse's bridle (which is on the horses head as it should be, with all straps done up properly, etc).

When the cowboy comes back out after his drink, he finds his horse eating hay from a bale which is five metres from the wooden post. How comes? :huh:

the wooden post was just lying on the ground unattached to anything.

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Yeah, it's because the rope wasn't tied to the post. But it really confuses some people if they don't have the puzzle written down. If you'd assumed the rope was tied to the post, you could also say the rope snapped or the hay wasn't actually out of the horse's reach, the cowboy's vision/judgement was only impaired by alcohol. ;)

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Yeah, it's because the rope wasn't tied to the post. But it really confuses some people if they don't have the puzzle written down. If you'd assumed the rope was tied to the post, you could also say the rope snapped or the hay wasn't actually out of the horse's reach, the cowboy's vision/judgement was only impaired by alcohol. ;)

True some riddles are better spoken and some answers are better in spoilers - kindly try to oblige! (add reply - insert special item in drop down box)

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