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There is path way whcih include the toll tax for every passerby.

and one can not cheat or can not go without giving toll-tax.

Because when one enters in the way a buzzer beeps and the gateman come and he ask for the tax.

suppose i have 2 go from that pass and i don't have any money 2 pay as a toll-tax then how i will pass that way.

(The gateman is inside the room and he comes to check only when the buzzer beeps.

and one can not pass without making beeps sound becuse then only the gate is open)


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Wow this is four star rated already and I am the first to reply - so it must be hard!!!

Go the the barrier, Alarm goes and face the other way as if you had passed from the other side, he sees it is a fault with the buzzer goes back inside and checks it out - then you turn and walk through

You have not made it clear what sets the buzzer off - opening a gate or passing a magic eye gadget thingymabob!

To be honest i am trying to relate it to one I had seen a quite while ago, but this is worded differently

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Wow this is four star rated already and I am the first to reply - so it must be hard!!!
Go the the barrier, Alarm goes and face the other way as if you had passed from the other side, he sees it is a fault with the buzzer goes back inside and checks it out - then you turn and walk through

You have not made it clear what sets the buzzer off - opening a gate or passing a magic eye gadget thingymabob!

To be honest i am trying to relate it to one I had seen a quite while ago, but this is worded differently

Yeah, I thought the same thing. Like you, I also had trouble with the wording.

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Wow this is four star rated already and I am the first to reply - so it must be hard!!!
Go the the barrier, Alarm goes and face the other way as if you had passed from the other side, he sees it is a fault with the buzzer goes back inside and checks it out - then you turn and walk through

You have not made it clear what sets the buzzer off - opening a gate or passing a magic eye gadget thingymabob!

To be honest i am trying to relate it to one I had seen a quite while ago, but this is worded differently

I thought the same thing, but then it says....one cannot cheat and cannot go without paying the toll-tax. Isn't this cheating?

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I thought the same thing, but then it says....one cannot cheat and cannot go without paying the toll-tax. Isn't this cheating?

I would not consider that answer 'cheating', as the point of the riddle is to find a way to get through the pathway without paying the toll. I believe saying that you cannot cheat in that way is simply a way to stop answers such as 'run through the toll and hop the gate'. That's my interpretation, at least.

I, also, had some trouble with the wording. Perhaps the poster could clarify what sets off the buzzer and whatnot?

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WOW your English is bad...

Deciphering the wording of this is harder than the riddle itself!

I'm going to work on the meaning of the actual puzzle itself, while the rest of you try to find the solution.

"...and one can not cheat or can not go without giving toll-tax..." ??

"...and one can not pass without making beeps sound becuse then only the gate is open..."???

ok, i'll have to get back to you on this

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I would go with the interpretation of 'I'.

Who is I? A posting suggested it light heartedly earlier. I read the riddle on my igoogle page and thought exactly the same thing.

I'm sticking with my gut reponse that I is coupled with a person who is paying a toll sufficient for the both of them. As the writer dictates, there can be NO cheating. If cheating is taken leterally then one would expect that the person cannot cross through the toll without paying a due fee. Above responses indicating the solution to be outwitting the gate keeper could and I believe would be observed as cheating.

And THEREFORE the person referred to as 'I' is obviously a foetus within a toll paying person.

This then leads to the scientific / ethical debate of is a foetus considered a person, obviously our writer believes so.

Just my two-cents! B))

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I would say that you should jump on the back of the person in front of you... then only one buzzard will go off, before the tax man comes out you have to run and hid. .. the tax man will only hear one buzz and collect money from one person.

This is also a war strategy where they would go into the battle field when the enemy was watching, they would be on their comrads backs so the enemy would see 4 people when there were really eight, then when they leave with four people (after dropping off the other four in enemy land) the enemy would think they left but then get caught in huge surprise when the other four are still there cappin them. lol.

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If we are talking about a modern toll stop, the passer could have an EZ Pass. I go through tolls all the time without cash. It just comes off of my account with the state!

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go to the gate, make it buzz, then turn the opposite way. when the gateman sees you, he'll think that you were coming from opposite way. and he'll be like thinking you cut over and say "hey, you didn't pay, get back over here."

and viola, free pass.

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I'd like to stay away from the fetal humanity debate, so here's my answer:

Get a job as the gatekeeper. Then you can let yourself through. Or, if you were the gatekeeper in the first place, you could let through whomever you wanted.

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OK, so apart from Lost in Space's answer, I see several options:

Open the gate. Trigger the alarm. When the guard comes, take him out with a swift roundhouse kick to the face and keep on walking. Nobody messes with Chuck Norris.

Open the gate. Trigger the alarm. When the guard comes tell him to "Look Out!!!" and when he ducks, run past. Simple.

Open the gate. Trigger the alarm. Pretend like you are deaf and mute and then walk on by as he looks at you in pity.

Open the gate. Trigger the alarm. When the gatesman comes, tell him his shift is over, and that you'll take over for him. When he leaves, then you are free to go in, and anybody else you want to let in as well!! Hooray for deception!

Edited by Sky
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Walk through the gate. then walk back out again. keep your back facing the gate so when the gatekeeper comes out he'll think you just came from the otherside. since you cant pay he'll ask you to go back to the otherside... which is where you wanted to go in the 1st place.

Hope this makes sense...

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Walk through the gate. then walk back out again. keep your back facing the gate so when the gatekeeper comes out he'll think you just came from the otherside. since you cant pay he'll ask you to go back to the otherside... which is where you wanted to go in the 1st place.

Hope this makes sense...

I also hope that it makes sense... because that's my bet too... :D

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