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:D good luck and ill post answers sooner or later :D

1.Do they have a fourth of July in England? Yes No

2.Some months have 31 days; how many have 28?

3.Can a California man legally marry his widow's sister? Yes No

4.Divide 30 by 1/2 and add 10. What is the answer?

5.If there are 3 apples and you take away 2, how many do you have?

6.A farmer has 17 sheep standing in a field and all but 9 drop down and 7.die. How many sheep are left standing?

8.How many members of each animal did Moses take on the ark?

9.A clerk in the butcher shop is 5' 10'' tall. What does he weigh?

10.How many two cent stamps are there in a dozen?

11.How far can a dog run into the woods?

12.How can a woman in New York, without getting a divorce or 13.becoming a widow, or otherwise legally separated, legally marry 10 men?

14.Why are 1990 dollar bills worth more than 1989 dollar bills?

15.Explain how a taxi can reach its destination in an hour and a half, but take 90 minutes to return when there is no other traffic?

16.Even when the Arctic natives are starving, why won't they eat penguin eggs?

17.Why can't you take a picture of a man with a wooden leg?

18.How many times can you subtract 5 from 25?

19.Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the biggest mountain in the world?

20.How is it possible for two fathers and two sons to pay only $21 for a buffet when the buffet costs $7 per person?

21.In a criminal trial, what is the relationship of the defendant to the trial judge, if the defendant's brother-in-law's only sister's husband is the father of the son of the judge?

22.Which weighs more, a pound of pennies or a pound of dimes?

23.Two U.S. coins add up to 55 cents, but one coin is not a nickel. What are these coins?

24.What is it that the people who make it, don't want it; the people who buy it, don't use it; and the people who use it, don't know it?

25.A man rides into town on Sunday, three days later, he leaves on Sunday, how can this be?

26.What's more powerful than God, the rich don't want it, the poor have much of it, and if you eat it you'll die?

27.Johnny's mother had three children. The first child was named April. 28.The second child was named May. What was the third childs name?

29.Two ducks in front of a duck, two ducks behind a duck and a duck in the middle. how many ducks? (Not 5)

30.A man is driving his car without its lights on, the streets lights are not on, and there is no moon. A black cat runs in front of him. He brakes quickly and avoids it. How did he see the cat?

31.It takes 3 mins to boil 1 egg. How long does it take to boil 3 eggs? (Not 9)

32.On what side of the cup does the handle belong?

33.What kind of dog has four legs but never runs?

34.Where are potatoes grown?

35.If you hop out of your flop, to drop by the shop for a mop, and to top it off, your pop is a cop, what should you do when you come to a green light?

36.You have a wooden barrel filled with water. what can you put in it to make it lighter?

37.What word in the English Language is always spelled incorrectly?

38.A woman walks in the rain without an umbrella, earing no head gear. Although her ears get soaked, she doesn't get her hair wet. How is this possible?

39.How is it that my grandfather is only six years older than my father?

40.What is it that you put on the table, cut it, pass it around, but don't eat?

41.On which side does a chicken have the most feathers?

42.What goes up a chimney down, but can't go down a chimney up?

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Just some light-hearted random musings on some answers ....

Didn't want to put in a spoiler, 'cause most are reposts anyhow.


2.all of them

3.No, 'cause he's dead


5.I have 2, and there is one left. Oops, but look, I just ate one ... I mean I have 1 and there is one left.

6.The 9 that didn't drop down.

8.0 - Noah had the ark.

9.He weighs meat, most likely ... unless of course he has found that with the rising cost of gasoline, he cannot live on just meat, so he has gone to also weighing the value of cell phone plans, the value of selling a kidney on the black market, weighing the value of cycling to work each day - which means he weighs himself, the bike, and the meat, so as to determine if it is suitable to cycle and still carry enough meat to serve his customers . . .

10.12 in a regular dozen, 13 in a baker's dozen

11.He could run halfway, since it is "into" the woods and not just "in" the woods. Unless it's a basset hound (see below).

12.&13. Well, the woman is the minister/justice-of-the-peace/captain-of-the-ship, etc. She can marry a lot of men.

14.Because there's an extra dollar bill, and no matter how little value that single dollar bill becomes worth, the mere presence of at least one must mean it's worth more.

15.an hour and a half = 90 minutes. There is no assumption of traffic on the way there. Plus, if it's in Houston, there doesn't have to be traffic to take forever to get somewhere. The traffic is just a 'bonus'.

16.Because they're kind of hard to find, being non-existent and all.

17.Because I'm not James Bond with a cool wooden leg that takes pictures; I would need a regular camera.

18.Well, I've subtracted 5 from 25 a lot, actually. I'm almost 30, and I learned to subtract when I was around 3 or 4, and 25 and 5 are both common numbers ... estimating a normal distribution of the likelihood of subtracting those two numbers a year ... over, let's say 26 years ... Man, I don't want to be 30 yet!!!!

19.It was still Mt. Everest; discovery of something isn't a prerequisite to its existence.

20.Two ways: 1) It's a grandfather, father, and son; or 2) The poor sap counting up the bill behind the counter never did learn how to do simple math like subtracting 5 from 25 or multiplying by 7 - although I do have to give it to him, there aren't any clever 'tricks' that I know of to easily multiply by 7.

21.In a criminal trial, what is the relationship of the defendant to the trial judge, if the defendant's brother-in-law's only sister's husband is the father of the son of the judge?

Wow - I'd say if the sister's husband is the father of the son, then the judge is likely the BIL's only sister. If the defendant is male, then his BIL's only sister/judge is his wife. If it is female, her BIL's only sister/judge would her SIL. I don't see a definitive answer, but maybe I got confused. It's either his wife, or her sister-in-law. In any case, depending on the perception of how the spouse gets treated, the defendant is either in really great shape or totally screwed. Just goes to show you, what goes around comes around, and if you screw with the one you screw, you'll eventually get screwed. [i'm sorry if that was a little too crass - not normally my style, but it seemed to fit]

22.they weigh the same - nothing, I've never seen a penny or dime weigh anything in my life. They just sit there, doing nothing. Although *I* have weighed some pennies and dimes before. And if I am weighing a pound of pennies vs. a pound of dimes, I find they both have the same weight. Interestingly enough, as gas prices continue to soar, they also are both statistically approaching the same value ...

23.a nickel and a half-dollar

24.A coffin. Also, most software security products developed by large companies ...

25.Sunday is his horse, donkey, name of his car, wife, etc.


27.Johnny, well until he had an identity crisis and legal changed his name to Prince ... and then still had an identity crisis and has been observed to be changing his name ever since ...

29.3, and a ..... GOOSE! Now run around the circle before I tag you!!!

30.It's either daytime out there, or no one ever said he saw the cat ... cat's have 9 lives and this one just got lucky, because he braked out of fear of the cop he just saw up ahead, or his cell phone rang at just the right time and he's one of the few people left in this world that opt to stop and talk than talk and drive.

31.3 mins, assuming of course you don't watch the pot ...

32.The outside. Although consider a milk carton, where the handle actually contains part of the milk ... is that handle on the outside or inside?

33.A basset hound. :) Seriously, my grandfather owns one, and I've never seen that dog run a day in its whole life. (Although I'm sure you're going for a dead dog)

34.In the ground. Or in a cup if you are doing a 1st-grade science project.

35.It depends, are you talking on your cell phone??? Then you are probably still stopped. Otherwise you go. Unless you are behind someone talking on their cell phone, in which case you honk. Oh, and let us not forget the 'Houston' principle of traffic and driving: just because the light is green does not imply you can actually go anywhere. In that case, you may be just 'waiting'.

36.A hole. Some air. A straw/my mouth and let nature/instinct do the rest.

37.incorrectly; although the question does state 'always', and so I ask, if you misspell 'incorrectly', is it 'always' spelt 'incorrectly'?

38.She's bald. Or she's just that hot (as in a hot, blonde actress), and we all know that it is scientifically impossible for a hot, blonde actress to ever have her hair wet, unless she is shooting a shower scene and/or a tragedy scene. Does anyone have evidence to the contrary?

39.Because my mother married someone significantly older than she is, aka my father married someone significantly younger than he is (and we are talking about my maternal grandfather). Otherwise, we must consider step-parents.

40.I'd have to go with a deck of cards, although my 6 month old (and unfortunately my 4-year-old, too) still *try* to eat them. Oh, and if it's a bunch of kids at a kiddie table - practically anything healthy/green. That said, I am amazed that my 4-year-old will eat broccoli like it's french fries ... and people say there isn't a God ;-)

41.The outside.

42.I've always heard an 'umbrella' here. And I'm out of humorous commentary. Next time, make your list shorter, so I have a chance of ending on a good note. 42? Wait a minute ... it all makes sense now ... the number of questions ... answering this post ... it's the ultimate answer to life!!! 42!!!!

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I'm sorry, I made the prior post and decided to go back and put the 'answers' in spoilers anyhow for the sake of the reader (esp since the OP posted his answers in a spoiler right before I posted my response). But, when I tried to click on 'Edit', it said I didn't have permissions, and now the 'Edit' button doesn't even show up anymore. My apologies.

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1.Do they have a fourth of July in England? Yes. It's just not celebrated as a holiday.

2.Some months have 31 days; how many have 28? All of them.

3.Can a California man legally marry his widow's sister? No. He's dead.

4.Divide 30 by 1/2 and add 10. What is the answer? 70

5.If there are 3 apples and you take away 2, how many do you have? Me? I have 2 - the 2 i took away.

6.A farmer has 17 sheep standing in a field and all but 9 drop down and 7.die. How many sheep are left standing? I'm assuming the '7' was a typo. 9 are left.

8.How many members of each animal did Moses take on the ark? I don't know about Moses, but Noah took 2.

9.A clerk in the butcher shop is 5' 10'' tall. What does he weigh? Meat.

10.How many two cent stamps are there in a dozen? 12

11.How far can a dog run into the woods? About halfway - then he's running out.

12.How can a woman in New York, without getting a divorce or 13.becoming a widow, or otherwise legally separated, legally marry 10 men? Again, assuming 13 is a typo - she's a minister. or priest. or whoever performs weddings.

14.Why are 1990 dollar bills worth more than 1989 dollar bills? because there's one more of them.

15.Explain how a taxi can reach its destination in an hour and a half, but take 90 minutes to return when there is no other traffic? 90 minutes is an hour and a half.

16.Even when the Arctic natives are starving, why won't they eat penguin eggs? There are none.

17.Why can't you take a picture of a man with a wooden leg? You use a camera

18.How many times can you subtract 5 from 25? One. then you're subtracting it from some other number.

19.Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the biggest mountain in the world? Mt. Everest.

20.How is it possible for two fathers and two sons to pay only $21 for a buffet when the buffet costs $7 per person? Grandpa, father, son

21.In a criminal trial, what is the relationship of the defendant to the trial judge, if the defendant's brother-in-law's only sister's husband is the father of the son of the judge? wife

22.Which weighs more, a pound of pennies or a pound of dimes? Both are one pound.

23.Two U.S. coins add up to 55 cents, but one coin is not a nickel. What are these coins? A quarter and a nickel.

24.What is it that the people who make it, don't want it; the people who buy it, don't use it; and the people who use it, don't know it? Coffin

25.A man rides into town on Sunday, three days later, he leaves on Sunday, how can this be? His horse is named Sunday.

26.What's more powerful than God, the rich don't want it, the poor have much of it, and if you eat it you'll die? Nothing

27.Johnny's mother had three children. The first child was named April. 28.The second child was named May. What was the third childs name? Johnny

29.Two ducks in front of a duck, two ducks behind a duck and a duck in the middle. how many ducks? (Not 5) 3

30.A man is driving his car without its lights on, the streets lights are not on, and there is no moon. A black cat runs in front of him. He brakes quickly and avoids it. How did he see the cat? It's day.

31.It takes 3 mins to boil 1 egg. How long does it take to boil 3 eggs? (Not 9) 1 egg = 3 minutes. However, you can boil 3 egs at the same time. so 3 minutes.

32.On what side of the cup does the handle belong? the outside

33.What kind of dog has four legs but never runs? i don't know.

34.Where are potatoes grown? underground

35.If you hop out of your flop, to drop by the shop for a mop, and to top it off, your pop is a cop, what should you do when you come to a green light? go

36.You have a wooden barrel filled with water. what can you put in it to make it lighter? a hole

37.What word in the English Language is always spelled incorrectly? incorrectly

38.A woman walks in the rain without an umbrella, earing no head gear. Although her ears get soaked, she doesn't get her hair wet. How is this possible? she's bald. poor woman.

39.How is it that my grandfather is only six years older than my father? it's your maternal grandfather.

40.What is it that you put on the table, cut it, pass it around, but don't eat? don't know

41.On which side does a chicken have the most feathers? outside

42.What goes up a chimney down, but can't go down a chimney up? umbrella

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