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Cannibals and Missionaries


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Once again, C=cannibal


M + M go over. M comes back, picks up another M brings it over, then comes back again to pick up C, brings him over. C comes back over and picks up another C, drops him off and comes back again with the last C.

no that is impossible there can NEVERbe more cannibals than missionarys or game over

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  • 3 months later...
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Here is the correct answer

0-cannibles x-missionaries

east west


000XXX --------------->


000X <--------------- X


000 --------------> X


000 <--------------- XX


OX ----------------> XX


0X <---------------- 0X


XX ----------------> 0X


XXX <--------------- 000


X ----------------> 000


----------------> 000XX

---------------> 000XXX

Is that simple

Edited by savi
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  • 10 months later...

Alternative Solution::

Cannibals are X's and Missionaries are O's

pick up two cannibals: in boat XX

leave one cannibal: left side of river X, right side of river X OOO

pick up one missionary: in boat XO

leave missionary: left side of river XO. right side X OO

pick up one missionary: in boat XO

leave missionary: left side of river XOO, right side XO

pick up one missionary: in boat XO

leave missionary: left side of river XOOO, right side of river X

pick up cannibal: in boat XX

leave both cannibals: left side of the river XXXOOO

misonary will die on second stage 2 canibles and one misonary

x was there and an xo went there

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