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4 characters; 2 men, 2 mice,

always ready to break the ice.

And while they alone are not real nice,

they do make other things suffice.

When read about in a book, he said:

"Tis gibberish," and scratched his head.

You can find it on the table, though;

and where the Titanic sunk in dread.

Do you seriously want to cheat?

Too bad.

Good, you are honest. You deserve to know:

*this riddle includes personification

*this riddle includes multiple definitions

Shouldn't be too hard for you guys.

Edited by harvey45
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Exactly the answer I was looking for!

4 characters; 2 men, 2 mice, NaCl has 4 characters in it, N&C are capital(men), and a&l are lowercase(mice)

always ready to break the ice. Salt is used as a common ice melt when someone can't go out and get some brand stuff, or don't have any sand

And while they alone are not real nice, Have you ever tried eating a mouthful of raw salt? Yuck!

they do make other things suffice. Tastes awesome on french fries & pretzels

When read about in a book, he said:

"Tis gibberish," and scratched his head. Look in your dictionary. Is NaCl an English word? I didn't think so.

You can find it on the table, though; Both on your dinner table, and Na & Cl on the Periodic Table

and where the Titanic sunk in dread. The Titanic sank in the ocean, which is of course, salt water.

And chicory, while your first guess was pretty close, it wasn't the exact answer I was looking for.

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