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Many have walked over me

their entire lives.

As have their children,

husbands and wives.

Though they can't see me

don't mean I'm not there.

History left me dark,

so please do not stair.

Some sort of disaster -

maybe natural, maybe not,

forced you to climb

and leave me to rot.

Old, so very old,

and sometimes I reek -

but if you're desolate,

could be me that you seek.

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was Pompei or however it is spelt?


So this no is soft and bouncy? :P

place where objects of archeological value are buried? (lack of vocabulary leads to a long answer


Again, I have to say no. But, you are on the closest track so far.

Edited by mabus
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Many have walked over me

their entire lives.

As have their children,

husbands and wives.

Though they can't see me

don't mean I'm not there. - buried

History left me dark,

so please do not stair.

Some sort of disaster -

maybe natural, maybe not, - All killed by a meteorite, but I believe they're not 100% certain about that

forced you to climb

and leave me to rot.

Old, so very old, - Dinosaurs are old, yeah

and sometimes I reek -

but if you're desolate,

could be me that you seek. - an archeologist looking for its bones

I really can't think of much else that's close at the moment... It's 2 am here though, might find a better answer tomorrow morning ;)

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the Catacombs of Paris? (or any catacombs as far as that goes...)

Very, very, VERY close.... oh hell with it. Close enuff. The answer is

Underground City.

No particular city, any city that has an underground city. Paris, San Fran, Jerusalem.. hundreds....

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