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catch your breath that's part of this arc,

Sobbing is joined in combination two part.

Unwelcome unwanted and considered a foe,

contractions will appear renew and then go.

spontaneous dispersion of that odorless gas,

those little bubbles that rise in your glass.

could be the cause of your problem and woes,

just quit all that breathing hey who knows.

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Nope, tell me where did you get that handle "mabus".

Mabus comes from my mother and Nostradamus. My 1st band was called Kids with Guns (long before Columbine, when I was in high school). We were all beginners and we sucked, and my mother used to say "you'll wake the devil with that god awful racket". I was studying Nostradamus at the time for a research paper and came across this

"'Mabus' then will soon die, there will come

Of people and beasts a horrible rout:

Then suddenly one will see vengeance,

Hundred, hand, thirst, hunger when the comet will run.",

which many people take to mean that from the death of mabus the Antichrist (or devil) will come. Name stuck, and I use it instead of my real name on my current bands demos just in case we make it big, I still have some privacy.. whew.. did I get all that out? :D

Edited by mabus
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