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so before i go to sleep i will mix up the cube, record what time a i go to sleep then when i wake up record what time i woke up. Then i will solve the randomized Rubik's cube and record my time for (?) days

i don't know how many days i should do this for 2 months? 1 month?

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so before i go to sleep i will mix up the cube, record what time a i go to sleep then when i wake up record what time i woke up. Then i will solve the randomized Rubik's cube and record my time for (?) days

i don't know how many days i should do this for 2 months? 1 month?

Why record the times?

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Why record the times?

well i was kind of thinking...Will the times change? Will i become more alert? and to compare to when i have been awake for say 7 hours or something

edit: oh those times...well just to see say if my sleep was interrupted would my solve be faster or something and i guess to see how long i sleep for...

Edited by 24_65_34_83_361
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well i was kind of thinking...Will the times change? Will i become more alert? and to compare to when i have been awake for say 7 hours or something

edit: oh those times...well just to see say if my sleep was interrupted would my solve be faster or something and i guess to see how long i sleep for...

Just a question, no offence Please, How old are you, and I ask because I lose sleep at night thinking will I make my mortgage, do I have enough for all the bills, not to mention I've got 2 kids in the house. Your not trying to find ways to interrupt a good nights rest are you? or maybe just extra time to do that. I should just call you 'seq' for short of a long sequence of numbers.

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Just a question, no offence Please, How old are you, and I ask because I lose sleep at night thinking will I make my mortgage, do I have enough for all the bills, not to mention I've got 2 kids in the house. Your not trying to find ways to interrupt a good nights rest are you? or maybe just extra time to do that. I should just call you 'seq' for short of a long sequence of numbers.

i'm not trying to interrupt sleep, i am solving the cube when i wake up, why would i do that?

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I don't know 24_65_.. Didn't mean to upset in any way. Was just wondering what you would do with the information once you had it?

no it is okay not upset, i don't really know what i will do with the info i might just like well...maybe show it to some friends and ask them what they think or i will just think about that when i come to that...

Edited by 24_65_34_83_361
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Good Morning 24_65_34_83_361, Well make sure you let me know how this works out, at least you can solve that thing. It came

out while I was in High School, the best I ever got was 2 sides. My friends and I would peel the stickers off and finish

the rest of the cube that way.

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Good Morning 24_65_34_83_361, Well make sure you let me know how this works out, at least you can solve that thing. It came

out while I was in High School, the best I ever got was 2 sides. My friends and I would peel the stickers off and finish

the rest of the cube that way.

i am no better than you, i looked up the solution.

Oh and brain den community you can call me 24

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Interesting experiment 24, however, as I am about to point out, there are a few flaws.

Firstly, in order to get accurate data for the experiment, you must also factor in other things such as eating habits, air temperature, season, weather, injuries, and what you did before you went to bed.

Another problem is that you may not be able to accurately tell when you go to sleep, as few people are endowed with the ability to sleep on demand.

Then there's the variable of how you were woken up. Were you woken up by: the radio, an alarm, your parents, or yourself.

You also have to consider the possibility that you might actually improve with experience.

Finally, you must consider that some puzzles take less steps than others.

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Interesting experiment 24, however, as I am about to point out, there are a few flaws.

Firstly, in order to get accurate data for the experiment, you must also factor in other things such as eating habits, air temperature, season, weather, injuries, and what you did before you went to bed.

Another problem is that you may not be able to accurately tell when you go to sleep, as few people are endowed with the ability to sleep on demand.

Then there's the variable of how you were woken up. Were you woken up by: the radio, an alarm, your parents, or yourself.

You also have to consider the possibility that you might actually improve with experience.

Finally, you must consider that some puzzles take less steps than others.

thank you for reminding me, because i did the wrong time i went to sleep. I usually wake on my own. as for everything else (besides injury) i didn't realize it could have effect. Oddly enough i have heard posture effects time as well

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